Saturday, December 15, 2018

More Data For Tweet About Abomination, or, How we're going extinct & soon

12/17/18, 1.

Crop yield per acre for winter wheat is about 60 bushels. If there were 2,135 million bushels produced in 2013, that means there were 35,583 million acres planted.

Wheat consumption per person as a percentage of caloric intake varies from country-to-country and with significant variation. Americans in 2004 consumed about 133 pounds of wheat flour. A bushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds, so avg consumption in bushels is 2.217 bushels per person, though there's probably loss due to grinding of the wheat kernel.

Wheat consumption in 2013 represents approximately 10% of dietary intake.

For the sake of example, if belly locusts ate 1% of human dietary intake, and it was in the form of wheat, that means 10% of all the wheat being produced would go to feed a parasite. That amounts to 213.5 million bushels of wheat, 3,558 million acres of wheat grown, which humans ate in one year to feed an organism living within our bodies.

There are no good tests for parasites, so we assume, incorrectly, that we don't have them. When the numbers for parasites and modes of exposure/infection are so myriad and prolific, we are literally awash in eggs the size of dust all over the planet.

The reality is
  1. the estimate of parasites consuming 1% of human dietary intake is likely significantly low (see below).
  2. this is a worldwide problem/pandemic.
The logistics of preparing, growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, shipping, storing, selling, transporting, cooking a food product, wheat in this instance, to ensure we feed a parasite a significant portion, represents a massive amount waste (so many different forms) throughout the supply chain. An amount of waste that is 100% preventable by eliminating parasites.

The Book of Daniel, chapter 4, describes in approachable terms, how a parasite affects mental processing. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar shows a tree reaching to the heavens being hewn down, stripped of branches and fruit, and the stump left with roots in the ground, the base of which is wrapped in fetters of iron and bronze.

The tree represents the temporal mind. It has food for all, it can be seen from all over the earth, it provides shade & shelter for birds and animals - contains knowledge about time and season for all life. The amount of energy the tree, the higher mind consumes is significant; our mind consumes on the order of 20% of total caloric intake. The parasite's venom destroys the tree, the higher mind, by blocking cns signals to higher mind, and effectively reallocates the calories normally devoted to the tree to its own support and without diminishing caloric intake. In most cases, it increases caloric intake.

The mind consumes on the order of 20% of total caloric intake. The lower mind has very few caloric demands. Lower mind behavior is reduced to ego/self-glorification, fight, flight, and highly emotional responses (happy/sad). Reduced compassion and humility, lack of scientific pursuit, guilt before innocence, unwillingness to discuss/debate, are all likely signs of infection. It could be speculated that a neurotoxic parasitic venom could cause pain in the higher mind that, when stimulated, manifests emotional response to cause the pain to cease - conversation to end.

12/15/18 2:

Primary crops will be used to highlight production and waste associated with feeding organisms that parasitize human bodies. Will use 100% infection rate in combination with a range of caloric amounts to provide perspective. Will keep things as simple as possible, but once e.g. wheat goes into manufacturing to produce baked products, the amount of material and energy used to feed a belly locust will be difficult to calculate, but obviously significant.

Total wheat produced in 2013 in USA was 2,135 million bushels.

Reminder: show that eliminating belly locusts would make it possible to reduce forest destruction by reallocation of existing land currently used to feed belly locusts - the acreage and amounts will likely be significant.

12/15/18 1: 3:41pm - added a few notes and tasks to highlight what will be added to this document.
  • Where is the natural home for the serpent? Gen 3
  • Describe how prolific they are.
  • Behaviors ascribed to the serpent from scripture
  • Signs of infection beyond bruised heel
One of the things I'll be highlighting is the amount of energy wasted to produce crops and manufacture food-based products to feed serpents/parasites. This is one of the biggest issues related to serpents, as the amount of land, seed, fuel, materials, and energy wasted is dramatic and significant. Not only energy waste, but CO2 production is significant as a function of transporting, planting, tending, harvesting, processing, and other manufacturing steps to feed belly locusts as a function of percentage of caloric intake.

Once data is produced for humans, the same study will be applied to various species of domestic animals.

As for wild animals? Will show that reduced habitat space will not only ensure maximum infection rates, but also increase predation not just due to less space for prey animals, but due to high infection rates. Plus, high infection rates will increase hunger in prey animals. Will show that both predator and prey animals are, like humans and domestic animals, eating far more than normal and cannibalizing the food chain.

12/15/18 10:18am This post is going to get filled in.