Monday, December 17, 2018

More about our impending extinction


Parasites & CO2 are rarely considered to be immediately life-threatening issues, if they are considered at all. CO2 is argued about regarding global warming and rising ocean levels, but not much else. Parasites and CO2 appear to be dissimilar and wholly unconnected to each other.

Yet, strangely, under analysis they share commonality in that they could be the most significant challenges to our immediate survival and in ways that have been completely overlooked. Sounds like crazy, but it's what I'll be showing is very likely true.

Parasites have the potential to have contributed to a significant portion of the annual, net CO2 production globally by increasing the amount of food grown, transported, and stored worldwide.

Both parasites and CO2 also represent a potential source of illness in not only humans, but domestic animals and livestock. Each have the potential to target at least the central nervous system, but parasites can affect most bodily processes. Increasing illness is not only a threat to life, it also creates a potential increase in CO2 production. It's about the supply chain, materials logistics, processing, utilization, and acquisition. More illness creates a need for more doctor's visits, medication, and more. Will be quantifying the amounts as best as possible throughout this article.

The amount of CO2 is measured in numerous places around the globe, but the accepted standard measure is conducted by the Scripps Institute, Mauna Loa, Hawaii at 11,000 feet. The levels of CO2 have grown year-over-year for the last 200 years and the current high is 412 ppm. We don't know the long-term affect that increasing levels of CO2, or the current levels, will have on our physiology.

There are numerous issues related to increasing atmospheric CO2 that aren't related to an increase in global temperatures. It's more likely that the levels of atmospheric CO2 will contribute to localized issues such as hotter fires, increased water evaporation (Henry's Law), increase in cloud cover with a corresponding decrease in sunlight upon Earth's surface (land/water).

The mechanisms of these CO2 related events will be highlighted in detail, but the net effect is, surprisingly and likely, a rapid reduction in Earth's temperatures beneath increased cloud cover, which could have devastating effects upon crops and the health of living organisms. It could also result in a rapid pressure increase as cooling air decreases in mass (Boyle's Law).

It will be shown later in the document how an increase in atmospheric pressure at low altitudes could cause subterranean water stores to be up-welled or drawn to surface, causing flooding to Earth, up to levels corresponding to the pressure created. This mechanism will be described in greater detail.


12/24/18 introduction. Working the intro. I've written versions of this article before, but this will be the most comprehensive and detailed. As I work the intro, more aspects and interrelated issues come to light.
12/22/18 Better intro/hypothesis, but still iterating over it. Need to make the statement about aggregate issues.
12/21/18 more rework of intro, adding background detail to topics to start in on the science/logistics/risks/issues. This is a lot of stuff.
12/20/18 reworked introduction through "They're normal". More to come.

Introduction: It's the End of the World & I'm Not Chicken Little

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I don't feel fine at all. Especially since it's us causing it by literally turning away from science and deep critical thinking.

I'm not given to hyperbole, but simply stating what data seems to be saying is true. The science appears to show that we're likely so deep in trouble, we may not be able to extricate ourselves. This is mostly due to momentum.

What's so bad? Long term trends are solidly intact. We've created one huge CO2 mess and ignored the other phenomenally huge parasite mess. Two standouts that contribute to chains of glorious messes, none of which we're able to mitigate. We do placate ourselves with smooth words about them, so that's something. The logistics behind the two problems are complex. Not so complex that they can't be presented in such a way as to highlight that our ignorance of the real dangers is leading to very real consequences that can be quantified, or quantified within ranges to show the relative severity.

I'm classifying the issues into 2 categories:
  1. an environmental issue: CO2
  2. and a disease: Parasites
They are seemingly innocuous categories, or even seemingly manageable in the long term.  But the data show they are so bad/severe, they appear to be capable of causing our end. Very soon. Not in 10, 20, or 100 years. But possibly in months, especially with regards the effects (described below) of CO2.

The two issues both feed into each other, especially when viewed from the perspective of supporting and feeding parasites within humans and animals, domestic, livestock, and wildlife, fish, reptiles, and birds. They impact all we grow, manufacture, process, package, and ship all over earth. As we've reduced ecosystems for living organisms (land and oceans), there is also greater tension in all wildlife.

Trends Are Your Friend, Or They Are Not

We are measuring data related to our planet, over time, that highlight extremely devastating long-term trends. Take anything we measure related to life on the planet, of plants, animals, elements, oceans, lands, forests, and chart it over the last 1,000 years and you'll see solid growth of problems, trouble, danger, all trending to dangerous levels that, unaltered, can only end in loss and death.
The trends are not being slowed or reversed. 
The trends are all resulting in weakness, illness, paralysis, death, loss of ecosystem, loss of ability to process waste/pollution, and a million other bad issues for both plant and animal life.

To summarize in table form, the trends are all highlighting systemic issues trending towards death:
  • weakness
  • illness
  • paralysis
  • death
  • loss of ecosystem
  • loss of ability to process waste/pollution
  • many more issues
A trend will continue until it's slowed, stopped, and/or reversed. While there are some projects under way to, for example, plant trees and clean plastic from the ocean, they are nascent or minor in relation to the devastating destruction they seek to offset. Worse, globally we aren't even able to be honest about reducing CO2 levels, in spite of most of the countries of the world agreeing to reduce CO2 levels - twice. Once at Kyoto and again in Paris. Increasing levels of CO2 is just one of a million trends getting away from us.

What does it mean that a trend is getting away from us? It's trending from life & health and heading into illness & death.  In fact, one of the most obvious signs we're sick and at the end is that we're unable to enumerate and process all constructs relative to an issue over time. We don't view CO2 as a trend, we view it as an all-or-nothing. Either we fix it, or the lowlands around the globe will flood. Also, we view CO2 as always being mixed with air, when, in fact it's capable of precipitating out of air, a danger so severe, we should be alert to it. As there's more than one right answer with regards to CO2, I'll go into detail below that shows warming isn't the most pressing issue with regards to this noxious gas.

I'll be talking about the two categories in a lot of detail. On surface, both are seemingly innocuous. Until you see the math.  Then you'll see how devastatingly real & pressing they are to us, life of plants & animals, and the planet. So before you click away, because both categories are stupid, or both categories are so small, subtle or normal, there's no possible way that either, or both, could contribute to our extinction, allow me to highlight how it's obvious that both are severe dangers with some simple mental constructs.

The strange thing is, though they are completely different entities, they share similarities. Though one is a gas and the other a living entity, both are similar in that they are both antagonists to our physiology (both affect most/all animals) in that CO2 and parasitic venom are both toxins, that are also cumulative:
Both CO2 & neurotoxic parasite venom are cumulative poisons.
And that's why they are not only capable of damaging our physiology, but many/most/all creatures affected by each or both, and
Most organisms on earth are susceptible to harm by both CO2 & parasites.
If both are cumulative poisons, and all creatures are susceptible to them:
The only creature on the planet that can determine risk/danger levels and mitigate them are humans.
 We are the only creature that can fix certain, specific problems, and parasites pose the most severe danger to all life on earth. They are like a hidden locust that come in a variety of forms, capable of infecting most forms of animal, that cause animals and us to eat, mate, and kill to satisfy the parasites reproductive needs. The data will show that parasites are capable of causing animals to eat all food from the surface of the planet so they can reproduce so rapidly, we will have to realize these organisms have to be viewed as weapons of mass destruction.


Parasites: In Defense of Illogic 

Everybody says the same two things about parasites, and here's where I get to show you that both are such total nonsense, that it makes sense that thinking in this manner is a litmus test to highlight how you likely have them. Because when you see the illogic, it'll be clear they've literally shut off any critical thinking that could have us eliminate them from within our bodies.

The two statements are:
  1. I don't have parasites!
  2. Parasites are normal, everybody has them.

I Don't Have Parasites. And Besides, Parasites Are Normal. So Go Away.

These are the two constant arguments about parasites I've run into, especially over the last 14 years. Let me show you how they're both logical fallacies that show the parasites are literally speaking through you, because they're total and scientifically provable nonsense.

I don't have parasites!

This is statistically impossible.  I'll show a little further along in this document that the transmission mode & proliferation means we are constantly exposed to infection by parasite.  The fact is that the eggs of e.g. tapeworm and other nematode parasites are the size of dust particles and deposited in massive numbers everywhere any animal infected by a parasite goes to the bathroom. Since all animals, domestic and wild, harbor nematodes, at least, we're constantly exposed.

Because we don't consider or treat parasites, the dust of the earth is literally awash in parasite eggs.  They're the size of dust particles and they desiccate, so they can and do get airborne in the wind & making it super easy for us to breathe them in.  All. Day. Long.  Gross, I know. But that's just one of a million different ways they can easily be transmitted.

Making things worse, our diet is so drying due to a gazillion factors, that our bodies are actually prime host material for parasites. Our body's normal defense against invaders like parasites is a slippery surface with sticky weaponry, especially in areas that expose the inside of our body to the outside world. Making things dry and sticky, instead of slippery, makes it hard for our defenses to keep anything from attaching and growing, like some nematodes do.

Making things even worse is the fact that we live with animals, and animals are constantly infected. Don't throw your animal(s) out, we're all in this together!! Getting licked in the mouth by a dog is enough to have any number of parasites transmitted to your body. Fleas crawl into bodies and deposit parasite eggs. They bite and transmit parasite eggs. We pet fur covered in parasite eggs. It's easy to keep going.

Point is? Like this whole rant/tirade/scientific expose, the more you look at the data, the more realistic it is that we're all not only exposed to parasites constantly, but we all have them. That we would instantly knee-jerk into a negative without data is the scary part. Because it's like being told a tidal wave is coming and our first and only reaction is "Shut up!"

Everybody Has Parasites, They're Normal!

Imagine walking around with a baby rattlesnake attached to your arm.  Your friend walks up and they have one, too.  In fact, everybody you run into, every day of your life, has a rattlesnake on their arm.  You might come to think it's normal, except the rattlesnake is attached by its teeth and secreting a neurotoxic venom capable of melting blood vessels and nerves, while paralyzing the nervous system.  So maybe normal behavior isn't necessarily healthy behavior.

What's the point?  The only difference between belly locust parasites and rattlesnakes is the amount of venom secreted per unit time.  Rattlesnakes kill quickly by their bite so they can eat what they've bitten.  Parasites hide and remain hidden, while stealing a portion of their prey's food so they can produce a massive number of eggs, every single day and eventually pollute the internals of the body of their host (with venom and eggs) that the host gets killed, eaten, and the eggs get eaten and transmitted to a million other animals. They might as well be weapons of mass destruction, parasites are so frighteningly prolific.

Both the rattlesnake and the belly locusts are venomous. The venom of each is neurotoxic; a substance so noxious it is damaging to the peripheral and central nervous system, as well as most other tissue of the body. It's capable of causing impaired mental function, which manifests at minimum, by a person saying "Everybody has parasites, they're normal."  They're not. They're deadly. That it's a slow, miserable death doesn't make it any better.

The lack of critical thinking evidenced by angry, terse responses that prevent discussion, the blocking of critical thought, related to an organism that is dangerous to life could easily be a symptom of the disease. It appears to indicate the parasite protects itself by altering the hosts defense mechanisms to mute/block any response, all the way to blocking higher thought. It's as if the parasite turns a human, the only animal with a complex temporal mind, into an animal by restricting thought to the animal mind while blocking access to the higher mind. The truth is, this is a description of how neurotoxins work - they are powerful, mind-altering substances that can only diminish brain function, not enhance it.

The only normal about parasites is that we can't find them if we're infected/infested with them.  They are so good at hiding, we can't even detect them with any degree of reliability. Some, like trichinosis, are possibly beyond detection as their eggs don't leave the host.

Worse, you or modern medicine can't cure them (I can - have to say that early, because otherwise, yes, it'll look like we could all die). They lay many eggs, a significant portion of which embed within tissue throughout the body.  When we treat parasites with modern medicine, they destroy the living organism.  But once the treatment stops, the eggs hatch and within days, a person is reinfected.  They are pernicious. My dad designed weapons. I'd classify parasites as weapons of mass destruction. When you see the endless mayhem they create, you'll probably arrive at the same conclusion.

The math appears to suggest, and I'll go into detail how, that we can't ignore either problem any longer.  Worse, the data appears to show we may be entering a dangerous time in history, where events could lead to global challenges regarding disease, possible famines, frighteningly fast and violent weather events, and more, leading to loss of life. But, there's also at least one scenario regarding CO2 that could be devastating beyond anything we've considered. I'll go into that problem in great detail and, if it's accurate, it will show we have literally no time to do anything but work, globally, to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, on land and in oceans.

Parasites: just read it...

Parasites are nothing new. In fact, the mention of parasites is generally associated with 'crazy'. Unless you've had one, you might not think about them at all. I've been doing a lot of study to parasites over the years, not because I'm fascinated by them, but because the numbers seem frighteningly bad and our medicinal approach to them is virtually non-existent.

They're hidden, there are 1,000 species that can live in humans, they alter the brain, destroy neurology, eat our and other animals food, and go undetected as medicine has few, if any reliable tests.

One of the biggest issues with parasites, especially given we're using so many of the earth's resources, is how much we're feeding them. My thinking is simple: any amount of food we feed parasites represents significant waste of energy, materials, time, and land, and more.

Given that parasites are a voluntary ailment, we should volunteer to ensure none of our 7.7 billion humans harbor any, so we can better manage our food supplies, energy usage, pollution creation, land use, and all the aspects that go into preparing food for consumption.

Will attempt to show how feeding parasites is not only contributing to unnecessary increase in annual CO2 output, it is also causing us to eat the resources of our planet like locusts, to our own demise.


CO2: noxious gases running wild = very bad

Everybody is talking about CO2, especially in regards to global warming. While added CO2 holds the potential to warm the earth, warming is such a slow process, it's a concern, but not among the highest concerns related to CO2.

In fact, my concerns with CO2 are specific. They're so specific, it's easy to overlook them as trivial. But I believe the math supports them as being the most significant dangers we face by stuffing massive volumes of a poison gas that loves heat into our once happy and stable and paradisaical environment.

CO2 & Heat

The fact that CO2 loves heat is what people love to talk about with respect to global warming. And it does love heat, but the atmosphere is huge and will take a long time to warm up. Not that it won't ever heat up. It will. And not that heating won't cause problems. It could likely cause big, bad problems. Imho, CO2 will create more significant global problems long before global warming.

The real problem with heat happens at the surfaces of the earth: land/water.  My dad did design work on the Saturn 5 rocket engines for the Apollo project. He always said that gases are deviously subtle. You can think you have them contained and they'll behave nice and stable, then all of a sudden they'll find some crazy way to do something nobody expected that wreaks havoc with a system.

There are numerous issues I'll highlight regarding CO2 and heat. They involve mixing and unmixing/precipitation, generally trending to problems created when CO2 is at, or falling to, ground.  The problems, whether larger, hotter fires, or increased evaporation leading to larger storms, all lead to the same significantly huge, scary problem: blocked sunlight.

CO2 & Atmospheric Mixing & Unmixing

Mauna Loa is designated a site devoted to measuring atmospheric CO2 levels. It's considered a standard due to the fact that gases mix and by the time CO2 reaches Mauna Loa, it has effectively mixed uniformly & is distributed throughout the atmosphere. Give me a little time and I'll find a bunch of references to uniform gas mixing, CO2, and Mauna Loa.

The thing about gases is, they stay mixed so long as conditions are favorable to mixing. What is important to consider with regards to CO2 mixing is that when conditions no longer favor mixing, CO2 will fall out of air. Why? CO2 is 60% heavier than O2, the next heaviest molecule in air.  What this means is, when conditions favor it, CO2 will precipitate out of air and fall to earth.

When Does CO2 Fall Out of Air?

And where does that CO2 go?

There are atmospheric conditions that encourage CO2 to fall out of air. Do they happen often? Not really. Is it bad when CO2 falls out of air? Very likely.

Here's a partial list of atmospheric conditions during which CO2 will precipitate out of air and fall towards gound:
  • Cold/Cool
  • Calm
  • Rain
  • Night
Is there evidence of CO2 levels measured on earth to be elevated above those measured at Mauna Loa?  Yes.  There are measurements taken in China that show four of eight days having CO2 levels elevated above Mauna Loa, with the high being 453ppm (note: get reference).

Yes, we measure CO2 all over the planet. No, we can't do anything if all the CO2 suddenly aggregated over NYC, fell to ground, and forced everybody in the city to try to survive breathing it for 10 minutes, before it left. Chances are, that will never happen as it's an extreme case. But it is possible, though not probable.

What is more probable, is for CO2 to precipitate out of air at night, aggregate in a trough, in a house, in a bedroom, and, person by person, destroy nervous system health. We don't know what the long-term effects of elevated CO2 intake is on our physiology. Adults might not be affected by it. Children, especially newborns, might be seriously affected by it. I'm not a doctor, but if I was looking for the source of a serious paralyzing disease, like Acute Flaccid Myelitis, I'd look at CO2 as a contributing source, as it's the kind of ghost-like, leave-no-evidence molecule capable of wreaking such havoc with our anatomy.


CO2 is Poison & it is Waste

One of the most frightening things about our dramatically increasing atmospheric levels of CO2 is that we have no idea what long term exposure to elevated levels of CO2 will do to not only our physiology, but really the physiology of any other creature on earth.  We're doing an uncontrolled experiment on all organisms on earth and in the oceans with a poison gas.

That it can and does fall to the ground in optimal conditions is a serious issue. At 280 ppm, there's about 10 feet of CO2 distributed in a column of air. There's likely more CO2 at lower elevations than at upper elevations. At 410 ppm, there's about 15 feet of CO2 per column of air, an increase of about five feet over what has been the long-term normal level of CO2.


12/21/18:  Rough notes follow. Bringing the notes from below into the document above this line. Adding to each as time allows, to ensure all the detail is elucidated and the case is made about the net negative and immediately deleterious issues related to both parasites and CO2.


The Outline

The outline that follows highlights the issues I'll be expanding on. Where they're expanded in other blog postings, I'll be providing links.

    1. how we're feeding them a significant portion of our diet
    2. how feeding them creates phenomenal waste of land
      1. loss of ecosystems for animals & birds
      2. loss of land usable for crops & farm animals
      3. prevents smarter land use & less deforestation
    3. How we have no way to get rid of them
      1. medicine treats infection
      2. When medicine stops, 100% reinfection
    4. Prolific organisms
      1. 50,000 - 100,000 eggs produced per day
      2. eggs size of dust
      3. durable eggs, last 1.5 - 5 years
    5. Treatment
      1. Biblical treatment takes 7 years
        1. Sound scientific diet
  1. CO2
    1. How it's contributing to illness
      1. in collaboration with parasites
        1. Acute flaccid myelitis (speculative, but reasonable)
          1. altering blood pressure & alveolar gas exchange due to neurotoxic venom & bruising of alveoli capillaries
            1.  could lead to significant loading, not unloading, of co2 (20x more soluble as oxygen) for bursts, until
              1. immune system corrects
              1. body reposition to facilitate draining of venom to low point of physiology
              1. co2 is 20x more soluble than o2
      2. breathing, eating, drinking excessive levels
        1. increased loading of blood-borne waste product without
        2. matching increased unloading of waste product
        3. in the presence of less viscous, nutrient rich, blood
          1. lower oxygenation at alveoli
          2. increased demand for unloading co2 at alveoli
    2.  Environmental stresses leading to extinction due to 410ppm levels and higher
      1. Increased heat at surfaces of earth
        1. land
        2. water
      2. Increase heat causes increased evaporation of water
        1. higher temperatures of high pressure
          1. increase airflow over land/water surfaces (higher velocity laminar flow from H to L pressure)
            1. increasing evaporation
            2. increase wind-speed
        2. larger storms
        3. greater cloud cover
          1. blocks sunlight
          2. decreases air temperature between clouds & land
      3. fires
        1. hotter, due to increased co2
          1. increases heat transfer to o2 at front of fire
          2. creates draw/vacuum (high velocity low pressure at front, high pressure behind)
          1. significant increase in airflow to leading edge
            1. feeds fire higher volume o2
            2. results in faster travel of fire
        2. larger burn area relative to lower airborne co2 levels
          1. decrease o2 production from loss of acreage/forest
          2. increase smoke
            1. blocks sunlight
            2. lowers temperature between clouds & land
By increasing airborne blockage of sunlight, by larger storms and fire events, the airborne CO2 won't have heat to hold and share with neighboring molecules. Earth's natural temperature, based on albedo/emissivity is -21 deg C (-5.8 deg F). Global cooling can happen so fast, it's not even a comparison to global warming.

In the event the temperature drops, it will drop fast as CO2/H2O/ghg's only respond to infrared heat. A rapid cooling of the environment below cloud/smoke cover will likely result in the following:
  1. Air above cloud cover being warmed
    1. Ensure the layers of atmosphere above troposphere
      1. will not be affected by cooling
      2. will maintain relative, constant pressures
  2. Air below cloud cover being cooled
    1. Will experience rapid drop of temperature and pressure
    2. Cause pressure to seek relief
      1. can't pull upper atmosphere down
      2. will exert pull/draw on earth's surface
        1. pull subterranean water to earth's surface
        2. create massive and rapid global flooding
          1. likely in combination with massive rain/hail storms.
        3. estimates of subterranean water suggests equivalent amount to all oceans.
          1. flooding capable to 30,000 feet (yes, top of mountains, like Genesis flood account).