Monday, September 4, 2017

Bible: Naked, A Possible Meaning (Clean: Brains)


In a previous article, I touched on how reading the black fire letters of Torah (the characters of Biblical Hebrew) become white fire - neural connections - in the higher mind as they are read. The process appears to be described or introduced by the sequence of the creation of light on day 1.

What this appears to suggest is that the letters, words, and verses of Torah/Tanahk are specifically designed to be ingested, processed, and associated with the higher mind.

If the concept of God's word illuminating the higher mind were to be considered true, it would seem that further examples could and would be found on the text. It seems that one of the first examples exists in the story of Adam and Eve.

Naked is to Darkness, As Clothed is to Light

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Genesis 2:25 KJV

It isn't immediately obvious how naked has any relationship to anything other than being unclothed and/or indescrete and not caring. A key to understanding how darkness and naked are related starts with the definition of ashamed:

Here's the @MerriamWebster definition of 'ashamed':

Definition of ashamed

  1. 1a :  feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace She felt ashamed for hitting her brother. You should be ashamed of yourself. Losing is nothing to beashamed of. He was deeply ashamedof his behavior.b :  feeling inferior or unworthy
  2. 2:  reluctant or unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment I was ashamed to be seen with him. I'm not ashamed to admit that I don't know the answer.
  3. Feeling unashamed means being willing to do embarrassing things without the feeling of guilt or disgrace. It can also mean acting without conscience. What's a good example of doing an embarrasing thing without guilt? How about when a dog jumps somebody's leg? The dog doesn't care about how it looks, it's following its nature and doing what it feels without any awareness of shame.
While using a dog to highlight "not ashamed" may seem harsh or unrelated to the biblical verse of Genesis 2:25, it appears to be precisely what the verse is highlighting.

The Frontal Lobe of the Brain and Behavior

The following excerpt is from "The Centre for Neuro Skills"

The frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior.

If the frontal lobes are related to what can be considered higher or executive functions, like judgment, what part or parts of the brain are working when the frontal lobe isn't? 

Enter: The Triune Brain

The Triune Brain is a model composed of three component parts. The frontal lobe, mentioned above is related to the newest elements of brain evolution, called the Neomammilian Complex.

The two lower brain component parts are the Reptilian Complex and the Paleomammilian Complex.

The Reptillian Complex

The reptilian complex, also known as the R-complex or "reptilian brain" was the name MacLean gave to the basal ganglia, structures derived from the floor of the forebrain during development. The term derives from the idea that comparative neuroanatomists once believed that the forebrains of reptiles and birds were dominated by these structures. MacLean proposed that the reptilian complex was responsible for species-typical instinctual behaviors involved in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays.

The Paleomammilian Complex

The paleomammalian brain consists of the septumamygdalaehypothalamushippocampal complex, and cingulate cortex. MacLean first introduced the term "limbic system" to refer to this set of interconnected brain structures in a paper in 1952. MacLean's recognition of the limbic system as a major functional system in the brain was widely accepted among neuroscientists, and is generally regarded as his most important contribution to the field. MacLean maintained that the structures of the limbic system arose early in mammalian evolution (hence "paleomammalian") and were responsible for the motivation and emotion involved in feeding, reproductive behavior, and parental behavior.

Why all the brain talk? The two lower components of the Triune Brain are covered by the yarmulke. The detail from the Reptillian Complex and the Paleomamillian Complex describe actions and activities related to animal or primal behavior. Like in our excitable dog example. The yarmulke is Gods way of saying, "I'm right above you." It also covers the component parts of the lower, or primal, mind. As all aspects of the word of God are intended to create wisdom:

The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.
Proverbs 3:19 KJV

The Yarmulke is Gods way of blocking out the light from the animal parts of our brain.

Letting the Light In

So if Adam and Eve are naked and not ashamed, then they're acting out of their lower mind without an awareness of their being any need to feel shame or guilt regarding their actions. What's the proof that God knows all this advanced brain stuff?

And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
Genesis 3:7 KJV

What happens when your eyes are open? They let the light in. Where does the light of wisdom live? According to this author, the light of wisdom lives where God can see it, In the higher mind, beyond the bounds of the yarmulke. But God explains it at the end of the story where God remedies their nakedness:

Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
Genesis 3:21 KJV

How do we know that Adam and Eve come to understand the connection between their actions and higher concepts like judgment (their own as well as that of God)?

And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
Genesis 3:10 KJV

Fear and guilt are suddenly guiding the first couple to an awareness of having done something shameful. In this case, naked, not ashamed, and darkness all get associated when God asks:

And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Genesis 3:11 KJV

Because naked is directly related to eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

In the end, naked can not only mean literally naked, the breadth and depth of the ways we can act naked far exceeds simply being indescreet regarding clothing. Naked extends to how we look, act, speak, and behave in ways that mimic animal behavior and without conscience, generally in search of immediate gratification.

The only way we are able to rise above primal or animal behavior, like Adam and Eve, is by active development of our higher mind. Curiously, while growing the higher mind sounds appealing, burning all that fire and neurons and neural trees into the mind via study and repetition has been known to cause brain pain and mental anguish. There doesn't seem to be any other choice.