Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bible: Genesis 1: Where and How Hebrew Letters, Black Fire, Becomes White Fire

Hypothesis & Introduction

The Hebrew letters of the Bible are known as black fire.  When taken into the mind they create neural connections, which can be described as white fire.

The first day of creation appears to show how the letters we read become light in the mind and how God sees the light as it is created.

This appears to first suggest the neural connections are created in the cerebral hemisphere/frontal lobe (higher mind), beyond the bounds of the yarmulke. The light that is created "covers" or "clothes" the individual in day (light) as opposed to being covered by darkness or night.

Genesis 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:1‭-‬5 KJV


What is happening? Two things. First, God is sharing details regarding the creation of light in the universe. The second thing that is happening, is the brain is taking in the letters, words, and phrases of the story, processing them, and, at minimum:
  • Burning the letters, words, and phrases into the mind sequentially
  • Ordering creation temporally
  • Attempting to place objects spatially
  • Attempting to process God's words aurally
  • Attempting to understand constructs, like what a void is.
There's much more going on, but the points listed highlight some of the main activities related to taking the elements of the story into the mind.

Where the Words Live

With regards to how the letters, words, and phrases are processed, the text is here showing that they are not associated with the lower, primal, mind. They can't be, because the primal mind deals with primal things like food, desires/wants, ego and feeling.

By opening the book written by God, the mind similarly opens the region related to higher authority, wisdom, and time, which all pass through lower centers and into the temporal and cerebral lobes of the brain.

Each logical segment is a temporal segment of a logical sequence comprising a complete expression. We logically follow the path and wonder, by asking questions. Like, what does it all mean? What is light? What do the stages leading up to the creation of light mean?

The lower mind wants. It is desire and need driven. It pursues, it hunts, it possesses. It doesn't know time outside of the moment. The higher mind wonders, questions, researches, learns and knows. It organizes and plans according to time.

The opening of Genesis describes the creation of light. Taken as a roadmap of the result of reading, it shows light being created in the mind, and therefore, how the mind eats.

The first time the story is read, there isn't any construct related to the story in the mind: where the constructs will live in the mind is void.

As there are no neural connections burned into the mind related to the story, there is darkness on the face of the deep: way up high in the mind, where the word of God lives, it's dark. This could also mean that the mind is not yet in possession of neural connections that join the mind to the deep of the heart.

The spirit of God hovers over the waters: of the mind, where the neural connections will be formed for each letter of fire. How do they get burned, by what mechanisms, and how do they know where to go?

Let there be light: neurons are burned, white fire, and all the neural pathways are formed by reading the words of the text.

And God seeth the light: beyond the yarmulke, in the higher brain centers. With all the connections formed from the text that is read, ingested, eaten, bright light is created.

Moshiac, God's Anointed

King Cyrus, King Saul, and King David are God's anointed. When they were anointed, they had olive oil poured upon their heads. [Jesus was God's anointed, but he didn't have oil poured on his head. More on this in a separate article, point is about oil on head.] The oil represents the fuel for the light that they are to become to the people they are to lead. The oil is the symbolic fuel feeding the light of the anointed with God's spirit via His word, in their mind and heart.

Isaiah Calls to Eat of the Word of God

Isaiah 55 opens with:

1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

2 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Isaiah 55:1‭-‬2 KJV

It costs nothing to eat of God's word, yet nothing is so fulfilling, healthy, or illuminating.

Jesus Says

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”
Matthew 4:4 NIV

Jesus/Yeshua appears to refer to the word of God as food. If so, the food we eat with our mind appears to create light in our mind that requires being nourished with the food we eat with our mouth.

That both aspects of eating are entwined in the verses of Genesis 1:26-30 appears to further support what Jesus is teaching. This is the second verse in which Jesus speaks in the book of Matthew.

That Jesus would appear to begin with a teaching parallel to the verses highlighted in this article, from the opening of Torah, seems to validate his being the Messiah prophesied of in Daniel.