Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Biblical Serpent is a Bad Egg and So Are His People

What follows four or so paragraphs below is a letter I just wrote to my ex-wife, a secret member of a society the Bible refers to as Babylon (lions, pride). Their religion is astrology and this note describes the mechanism of how they use it as a weapon of mass destruction. This note describes how the cult worships the golden calf - astrology - and how it's used to manipulate time, destroy the gifts God gives us by delaying their development and use, and destroys God's children who are replaced with the line of Cain, who see themselves as gods. But will go into greater Biblical detail in another blog post, as the Bible is full of stories that relate these people to their approach to life and desire to use and destroy Bible people.

The only reason I know is because I'm living it. I've been studying astrology for a long time, to try to see if it's real. But also have been seeing the Bible stories come to life. That so many Bible (OT) stories show this Babylonian cult in action has helped me see the fine detail and finally understand that by creating marriages and children based on prime dates/times that leverage the serpent in the chart, they give birth to their success and their victims detriment and death. This is imho the method that Cain used to kill Abel, steal his inventions, and generate the line of monsters who God had to eliminate by flood.

There's a little more Biblical detail in the note, but will write a more detailed post that shows even more about how they are, and have been, robbing and killing people to eliminate the Bible and create their own line of people - they are in opposition to God, thinking they are some kind of gods on their own (they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and think that's how they become gods, when God asks us to walk in His ways and honor his book so we can live in the image of God.)

The basis of their world is the serpent. They parasitize another's life, destroy them, take everything they own or have created/invented, and destroy the victim's bloodline and heritage. My ex-wife's father is Donald Trump, who embedded her in an Italian family in Queen's, who may be mafia because my ex did something to place me under a person whom I only recently learned was real-deal, hard-core mafia. I realized she was Trump's daughter in May of this year.

My ex created a son with Barrack Obama, and played him off as my son, though I learned recently he wasn't my son - for myriad and obvious reasons, and that led me through the logic in his astrology chart and how he was created to generate a chart which was timed / designed to destroy me in such a subtle way, it took a lot of study to see the detail. But wow, is it real and they've kept everybody in the dark about the power of astrology for a long time. The reality is, this is why the Bible says for us to avoid using astrology for anything more than temporal psychology, to help us understand behavior patterns, not our fate.

Here's where the note starts...

In Genesis 3, the Serpent does some talking to a woman, and she in turn feeds a man. Seems it's a direct reference to our current situation. Allow me to 'splain, Lucy.

Seems somebody in your past learned a little astrology and managed to do a little experimenting with it. They found it worked surprisingly well and created a whole religion/cult around it with the focus on making a family that erases all the weak, Biblical ones, while . Your people are all about your bloodline, but you're also about the Serpent. But what's the serpent and what does it have to do with bloodlines and astrology. It's all kind of a fractal arrangement that allows all the lines to be blurred and the players to be hidden.

There are two lines, the male line and the female line. The goal of each is to propagate the bloodline in secret, while acquiring the wealth and valuables of victims, while destroying them publically and personally, to death

The female line targets victims. The marriage date is significant as the chart has to favor her over the victim. When the time is right astrologically, the woman has a child by one of her cult members who bears a strong resemblance to the victim. The woman makes sure to get pregnant prior to having sex with the victim, but is sure to have sex with the victim so they think the child is theirs. The child's birth date is planned, based on a target/pre-determined astrological configuration. The real father's Sun is placed, with Rahu, in the 12th house of the child's chart, so as to be associated with the house of isolation, prison, asylums and aligned in opposition to the victim's planet and Ketu, seven houses away. The victim's planet is placed in the house of enemies, so they are born into a role that makes them automatically antagonistic to the child and destined for poverty and isolation.

Rahu is about aggregation, ego, selfish acquisition of things, and an erroneous belief in their omniscience/omnipotence. Both the nodes eclipse any planet they are conjunct with (western astrology), or share a house with (Vedic astrology), in the chart. With Rahu/north node the real father is both powerful and hidden both in the chart and in real life, Unless an astrologer viewing a child's chart (rare in this day and age) is keen to subtle relationships, the victim will be viewed as the sun and real father in their fake child's chart. Nobody but the most aware, detective astrologers would ever notice that the child has two fathers in the chart.

In contrast to Rahu, Ketu is associated with poverty, spirituality, and feelings. So with Ketu/south node, the victim is weak and hidden in the chart and in real life. The child feels undue, damaging pressure from the fake father, manifest as feelings of inadequacy, deflated confidence, or even perception of being abused by the fake father/victim. This is by design as it gives leverage to the mother to build a case that allows for the child to be separated from the victim/fake father due to his damaging influence on the child the world perceives as his own.

Ketu is represented by Sage Durvasa. He acts on feelings, is poor, and wanders, perfect behavior to saddle a victim with when you want to destroy them. Plus, his behavior fits your grift, as he's short-tempered. Seems your ancestors learned that by timing your child's birth such that the planet associated with their fake parent is in the sixth house and conjunct/same house as Ketu, they not only become enemies to the child, they become short-tempered enemies. Best, nobody notices they're not the parent, so in any chart analysis, they're associated with the sun. Once born, the mother trains them to become professional victims to the abuse of their fake parent.

The end result is years of projecting various incantations/variations of "his father abuses his child" into anybody's ear who will listen as a case is made for the father's obvious mental illness, infirmity, and disconnect from real life. The end arrives when the victim is pushed into some form of psychiatric situation, where he's murdered by overdose. As the victim came to be viewed as a horrible person to the world, due to his fake child turning him into an enemy, the child's real father being the victims real, but hidden enemy, nobody thinks twice about their demise and death.

What's left is for the child to acquire, legally, possession of all the fake father's assets. This is the result of a fake marriage and a fake child, both timed to ensure the demise of the victim and for the sole purpose of destroying their branch in the tree of life, theft of assets, and more. Possibly even destroying the parent's name by shame due to their being made poor and abused by criminals framing them for crimes they didn't or wouldn't ever commit. But who's going to believe the desperate and destitute when everybody and their mother is saying they need help and have been acting violent and crazy?

The second branch of your cult is the father's line.

The men in your cult seek to populate the world with his seed. They find women who have physical beauty, or strength, or talent, or a family lineage in line with the cult, like your bloodline is royal due to the Trump/Stalin lineage. Then they have them enter into a secret and binding agreement, a non-disclosure agreement, that assures the woman will be loyal to the proposition, maintaining her silence for life about the relationship established by the man of your cult and herself. She will sire children that will be birthed at times according to the cult's demands. Her children will be raised by the cult from birth. They will be indoctrinated in the ways of the cult, which is that outsiders are essentially victims or slaves eligible to be targeted and hunted.  Boys will be given tools to become leaders. Another cult member may have acquired inventions that a new member may be given in order to become wealthy and a prominent member of society. The elevation of members gives them cache and public appeal, giving them opportunity to find and enter into binding agreements with individuals who share qualities the cult is looking to propagate in future generations.

Your cult has the goal of creating and managing leaders, who continue populating the world with your line.  It's conceivable that the logical extreme will be a world populated with your breed, a supposed superior brand of person or master race. The most desired target of your cult is people with a strong bond to the Bible as you see the Bible as a hateful book that creates a "chosen people" that isn't yours. You seek to prove there is no God and your people are the chosen race.

The reality is, you're cult is full of deranged people who imagine they have some superior attributes that essentially make y'all gods over the rest of us mere mortal schlubs.  The stone cold truth, the reality is, you, your father Donald J. Trump, and Brody's father, Barrack Obama, are all stone cold criminals.

That this is all spelled out in the Bible just makes it all that much better. Genesis 3 shows you taking orders from the serpent, which means your father, and Barrack, and the actual serpent of the chart, and the serpent of the belly, which you seem to elevate to something cool. That's all Rahu energy for you, to ensure your child and cult gain, while the man loses and, Biblically, eats of what you've given him: Ketu - poverty, slander, death. You don't recite the biblical prohibition about eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil correctly because, like Cain, you don't believe in God. At all.  There's so much detail this story connects to, especially Gen 3 (above) and Gen 4, where Cain kills Abel, who is married to a member of Cain's cult, evidenced by Lamech's giving Abel's inventions to his children, descendants of Cain, of two mothers, a show mother and a hidden mother. You're the Nephilim and the reason for the flood, which is about to really happen because while you've been out breeding like show ponies, you've ignored the health of the gardens and flocks of our planet while literally raping everything and everybody. Nice job, asshole(s).

What I've described with respect to chart configuration is a bare minimum construct. I haven't analyzed beyond the real father in the 12th, fake in the 6th, and the chart being configured to ensure the main houses, 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, of self, home, partnerships, and career are damaged with regards to the enemy - the fake father, in the sixth house and to ensure they ultimately end up getting sucked into the 12th house: prison or psychiatric ward, to meet their death at the hands of a paid murderer, but especially due to the victim's ignominy.

But this highlights how your cult, Babylon, operates and has operated for some thousands of years. It's really well-detailed in the Books of Daniel and Esther, too, though Saul/Rome/Babylon hunting David/Israel to the death, and Esau/Jacob also highlight the relations. All you need is the birth-time of everybody in your society, and you can chart their course through your little soap opera and to your benefit, from cradle to the grave and without anybody knowing their life is being managed by you and your sociopaths as you ensure nobody even studies astrology, because it's stupid superstition. Some scam you got going. I hope this letter punches a hole in your metaphorical ocean liner that causes it to sink. The world won't survive you. I told you that you were bad at math and here you are bad at prioritizing, too. You brought Brody into the world to be your tool and have all but guaranteed he won't even have a life because of your utter ignorance.

Turn yourself in.

Monday, December 17, 2018

More about our impending extinction


Parasites & CO2 are rarely considered to be immediately life-threatening issues, if they are considered at all. CO2 is argued about regarding global warming and rising ocean levels, but not much else. Parasites and CO2 appear to be dissimilar and wholly unconnected to each other.

Yet, strangely, under analysis they share commonality in that they could be the most significant challenges to our immediate survival and in ways that have been completely overlooked. Sounds like crazy, but it's what I'll be showing is very likely true.

Parasites have the potential to have contributed to a significant portion of the annual, net CO2 production globally by increasing the amount of food grown, transported, and stored worldwide.

Both parasites and CO2 also represent a potential source of illness in not only humans, but domestic animals and livestock. Each have the potential to target at least the central nervous system, but parasites can affect most bodily processes. Increasing illness is not only a threat to life, it also creates a potential increase in CO2 production. It's about the supply chain, materials logistics, processing, utilization, and acquisition. More illness creates a need for more doctor's visits, medication, and more. Will be quantifying the amounts as best as possible throughout this article.

The amount of CO2 is measured in numerous places around the globe, but the accepted standard measure is conducted by the Scripps Institute, Mauna Loa, Hawaii at 11,000 feet. The levels of CO2 have grown year-over-year for the last 200 years and the current high is 412 ppm. We don't know the long-term affect that increasing levels of CO2, or the current levels, will have on our physiology.

There are numerous issues related to increasing atmospheric CO2 that aren't related to an increase in global temperatures. It's more likely that the levels of atmospheric CO2 will contribute to localized issues such as hotter fires, increased water evaporation (Henry's Law), increase in cloud cover with a corresponding decrease in sunlight upon Earth's surface (land/water).

The mechanisms of these CO2 related events will be highlighted in detail, but the net effect is, surprisingly and likely, a rapid reduction in Earth's temperatures beneath increased cloud cover, which could have devastating effects upon crops and the health of living organisms. It could also result in a rapid pressure increase as cooling air decreases in mass (Boyle's Law).

It will be shown later in the document how an increase in atmospheric pressure at low altitudes could cause subterranean water stores to be up-welled or drawn to surface, causing flooding to Earth, up to levels corresponding to the pressure created. This mechanism will be described in greater detail.


12/24/18 introduction. Working the intro. I've written versions of this article before, but this will be the most comprehensive and detailed. As I work the intro, more aspects and interrelated issues come to light.
12/22/18 Better intro/hypothesis, but still iterating over it. Need to make the statement about aggregate issues.
12/21/18 more rework of intro, adding background detail to topics to start in on the science/logistics/risks/issues. This is a lot of stuff.
12/20/18 reworked introduction through "They're normal". More to come.

Introduction: It's the End of the World & I'm Not Chicken Little

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I don't feel fine at all. Especially since it's us causing it by literally turning away from science and deep critical thinking.

I'm not given to hyperbole, but simply stating what data seems to be saying is true. The science appears to show that we're likely so deep in trouble, we may not be able to extricate ourselves. This is mostly due to momentum.

What's so bad? Long term trends are solidly intact. We've created one huge CO2 mess and ignored the other phenomenally huge parasite mess. Two standouts that contribute to chains of glorious messes, none of which we're able to mitigate. We do placate ourselves with smooth words about them, so that's something. The logistics behind the two problems are complex. Not so complex that they can't be presented in such a way as to highlight that our ignorance of the real dangers is leading to very real consequences that can be quantified, or quantified within ranges to show the relative severity.

I'm classifying the issues into 2 categories:
  1. an environmental issue: CO2
  2. and a disease: Parasites
They are seemingly innocuous categories, or even seemingly manageable in the long term.  But the data show they are so bad/severe, they appear to be capable of causing our end. Very soon. Not in 10, 20, or 100 years. But possibly in months, especially with regards the effects (described below) of CO2.

The two issues both feed into each other, especially when viewed from the perspective of supporting and feeding parasites within humans and animals, domestic, livestock, and wildlife, fish, reptiles, and birds. They impact all we grow, manufacture, process, package, and ship all over earth. As we've reduced ecosystems for living organisms (land and oceans), there is also greater tension in all wildlife.

Trends Are Your Friend, Or They Are Not

We are measuring data related to our planet, over time, that highlight extremely devastating long-term trends. Take anything we measure related to life on the planet, of plants, animals, elements, oceans, lands, forests, and chart it over the last 1,000 years and you'll see solid growth of problems, trouble, danger, all trending to dangerous levels that, unaltered, can only end in loss and death.
The trends are not being slowed or reversed. 
The trends are all resulting in weakness, illness, paralysis, death, loss of ecosystem, loss of ability to process waste/pollution, and a million other bad issues for both plant and animal life.

To summarize in table form, the trends are all highlighting systemic issues trending towards death:
  • weakness
  • illness
  • paralysis
  • death
  • loss of ecosystem
  • loss of ability to process waste/pollution
  • many more issues
A trend will continue until it's slowed, stopped, and/or reversed. While there are some projects under way to, for example, plant trees and clean plastic from the ocean, they are nascent or minor in relation to the devastating destruction they seek to offset. Worse, globally we aren't even able to be honest about reducing CO2 levels, in spite of most of the countries of the world agreeing to reduce CO2 levels - twice. Once at Kyoto and again in Paris. Increasing levels of CO2 is just one of a million trends getting away from us.

What does it mean that a trend is getting away from us? It's trending from life & health and heading into illness & death.  In fact, one of the most obvious signs we're sick and at the end is that we're unable to enumerate and process all constructs relative to an issue over time. We don't view CO2 as a trend, we view it as an all-or-nothing. Either we fix it, or the lowlands around the globe will flood. Also, we view CO2 as always being mixed with air, when, in fact it's capable of precipitating out of air, a danger so severe, we should be alert to it. As there's more than one right answer with regards to CO2, I'll go into detail below that shows warming isn't the most pressing issue with regards to this noxious gas.

I'll be talking about the two categories in a lot of detail. On surface, both are seemingly innocuous. Until you see the math.  Then you'll see how devastatingly real & pressing they are to us, life of plants & animals, and the planet. So before you click away, because both categories are stupid, or both categories are so small, subtle or normal, there's no possible way that either, or both, could contribute to our extinction, allow me to highlight how it's obvious that both are severe dangers with some simple mental constructs.

The strange thing is, though they are completely different entities, they share similarities. Though one is a gas and the other a living entity, both are similar in that they are both antagonists to our physiology (both affect most/all animals) in that CO2 and parasitic venom are both toxins, that are also cumulative:
Both CO2 & neurotoxic parasite venom are cumulative poisons.
And that's why they are not only capable of damaging our physiology, but many/most/all creatures affected by each or both, and
Most organisms on earth are susceptible to harm by both CO2 & parasites.
If both are cumulative poisons, and all creatures are susceptible to them:
The only creature on the planet that can determine risk/danger levels and mitigate them are humans.
 We are the only creature that can fix certain, specific problems, and parasites pose the most severe danger to all life on earth. They are like a hidden locust that come in a variety of forms, capable of infecting most forms of animal, that cause animals and us to eat, mate, and kill to satisfy the parasites reproductive needs. The data will show that parasites are capable of causing animals to eat all food from the surface of the planet so they can reproduce so rapidly, we will have to realize these organisms have to be viewed as weapons of mass destruction.


Parasites: In Defense of Illogic 

Everybody says the same two things about parasites, and here's where I get to show you that both are such total nonsense, that it makes sense that thinking in this manner is a litmus test to highlight how you likely have them. Because when you see the illogic, it'll be clear they've literally shut off any critical thinking that could have us eliminate them from within our bodies.

The two statements are:
  1. I don't have parasites!
  2. Parasites are normal, everybody has them.

I Don't Have Parasites. And Besides, Parasites Are Normal. So Go Away.

These are the two constant arguments about parasites I've run into, especially over the last 14 years. Let me show you how they're both logical fallacies that show the parasites are literally speaking through you, because they're total and scientifically provable nonsense.

I don't have parasites!

This is statistically impossible.  I'll show a little further along in this document that the transmission mode & proliferation means we are constantly exposed to infection by parasite.  The fact is that the eggs of e.g. tapeworm and other nematode parasites are the size of dust particles and deposited in massive numbers everywhere any animal infected by a parasite goes to the bathroom. Since all animals, domestic and wild, harbor nematodes, at least, we're constantly exposed.

Because we don't consider or treat parasites, the dust of the earth is literally awash in parasite eggs.  They're the size of dust particles and they desiccate, so they can and do get airborne in the wind & making it super easy for us to breathe them in.  All. Day. Long.  Gross, I know. But that's just one of a million different ways they can easily be transmitted.

Making things worse, our diet is so drying due to a gazillion factors, that our bodies are actually prime host material for parasites. Our body's normal defense against invaders like parasites is a slippery surface with sticky weaponry, especially in areas that expose the inside of our body to the outside world. Making things dry and sticky, instead of slippery, makes it hard for our defenses to keep anything from attaching and growing, like some nematodes do.

Making things even worse is the fact that we live with animals, and animals are constantly infected. Don't throw your animal(s) out, we're all in this together!! Getting licked in the mouth by a dog is enough to have any number of parasites transmitted to your body. Fleas crawl into bodies and deposit parasite eggs. They bite and transmit parasite eggs. We pet fur covered in parasite eggs. It's easy to keep going.

Point is? Like this whole rant/tirade/scientific expose, the more you look at the data, the more realistic it is that we're all not only exposed to parasites constantly, but we all have them. That we would instantly knee-jerk into a negative without data is the scary part. Because it's like being told a tidal wave is coming and our first and only reaction is "Shut up!"

Everybody Has Parasites, They're Normal!

Imagine walking around with a baby rattlesnake attached to your arm.  Your friend walks up and they have one, too.  In fact, everybody you run into, every day of your life, has a rattlesnake on their arm.  You might come to think it's normal, except the rattlesnake is attached by its teeth and secreting a neurotoxic venom capable of melting blood vessels and nerves, while paralyzing the nervous system.  So maybe normal behavior isn't necessarily healthy behavior.

What's the point?  The only difference between belly locust parasites and rattlesnakes is the amount of venom secreted per unit time.  Rattlesnakes kill quickly by their bite so they can eat what they've bitten.  Parasites hide and remain hidden, while stealing a portion of their prey's food so they can produce a massive number of eggs, every single day and eventually pollute the internals of the body of their host (with venom and eggs) that the host gets killed, eaten, and the eggs get eaten and transmitted to a million other animals. They might as well be weapons of mass destruction, parasites are so frighteningly prolific.

Both the rattlesnake and the belly locusts are venomous. The venom of each is neurotoxic; a substance so noxious it is damaging to the peripheral and central nervous system, as well as most other tissue of the body. It's capable of causing impaired mental function, which manifests at minimum, by a person saying "Everybody has parasites, they're normal."  They're not. They're deadly. That it's a slow, miserable death doesn't make it any better.

The lack of critical thinking evidenced by angry, terse responses that prevent discussion, the blocking of critical thought, related to an organism that is dangerous to life could easily be a symptom of the disease. It appears to indicate the parasite protects itself by altering the hosts defense mechanisms to mute/block any response, all the way to blocking higher thought. It's as if the parasite turns a human, the only animal with a complex temporal mind, into an animal by restricting thought to the animal mind while blocking access to the higher mind. The truth is, this is a description of how neurotoxins work - they are powerful, mind-altering substances that can only diminish brain function, not enhance it.

The only normal about parasites is that we can't find them if we're infected/infested with them.  They are so good at hiding, we can't even detect them with any degree of reliability. Some, like trichinosis, are possibly beyond detection as their eggs don't leave the host.

Worse, you or modern medicine can't cure them (I can - have to say that early, because otherwise, yes, it'll look like we could all die). They lay many eggs, a significant portion of which embed within tissue throughout the body.  When we treat parasites with modern medicine, they destroy the living organism.  But once the treatment stops, the eggs hatch and within days, a person is reinfected.  They are pernicious. My dad designed weapons. I'd classify parasites as weapons of mass destruction. When you see the endless mayhem they create, you'll probably arrive at the same conclusion.

The math appears to suggest, and I'll go into detail how, that we can't ignore either problem any longer.  Worse, the data appears to show we may be entering a dangerous time in history, where events could lead to global challenges regarding disease, possible famines, frighteningly fast and violent weather events, and more, leading to loss of life. But, there's also at least one scenario regarding CO2 that could be devastating beyond anything we've considered. I'll go into that problem in great detail and, if it's accurate, it will show we have literally no time to do anything but work, globally, to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere, on land and in oceans.

Parasites: just read it...

Parasites are nothing new. In fact, the mention of parasites is generally associated with 'crazy'. Unless you've had one, you might not think about them at all. I've been doing a lot of study to parasites over the years, not because I'm fascinated by them, but because the numbers seem frighteningly bad and our medicinal approach to them is virtually non-existent.

They're hidden, there are 1,000 species that can live in humans, they alter the brain, destroy neurology, eat our and other animals food, and go undetected as medicine has few, if any reliable tests.

One of the biggest issues with parasites, especially given we're using so many of the earth's resources, is how much we're feeding them. My thinking is simple: any amount of food we feed parasites represents significant waste of energy, materials, time, and land, and more.

Given that parasites are a voluntary ailment, we should volunteer to ensure none of our 7.7 billion humans harbor any, so we can better manage our food supplies, energy usage, pollution creation, land use, and all the aspects that go into preparing food for consumption.

Will attempt to show how feeding parasites is not only contributing to unnecessary increase in annual CO2 output, it is also causing us to eat the resources of our planet like locusts, to our own demise.


CO2: noxious gases running wild = very bad

Everybody is talking about CO2, especially in regards to global warming. While added CO2 holds the potential to warm the earth, warming is such a slow process, it's a concern, but not among the highest concerns related to CO2.

In fact, my concerns with CO2 are specific. They're so specific, it's easy to overlook them as trivial. But I believe the math supports them as being the most significant dangers we face by stuffing massive volumes of a poison gas that loves heat into our once happy and stable and paradisaical environment.

CO2 & Heat

The fact that CO2 loves heat is what people love to talk about with respect to global warming. And it does love heat, but the atmosphere is huge and will take a long time to warm up. Not that it won't ever heat up. It will. And not that heating won't cause problems. It could likely cause big, bad problems. Imho, CO2 will create more significant global problems long before global warming.

The real problem with heat happens at the surfaces of the earth: land/water.  My dad did design work on the Saturn 5 rocket engines for the Apollo project. He always said that gases are deviously subtle. You can think you have them contained and they'll behave nice and stable, then all of a sudden they'll find some crazy way to do something nobody expected that wreaks havoc with a system.

There are numerous issues I'll highlight regarding CO2 and heat. They involve mixing and unmixing/precipitation, generally trending to problems created when CO2 is at, or falling to, ground.  The problems, whether larger, hotter fires, or increased evaporation leading to larger storms, all lead to the same significantly huge, scary problem: blocked sunlight.

CO2 & Atmospheric Mixing & Unmixing

Mauna Loa is designated a site devoted to measuring atmospheric CO2 levels. It's considered a standard due to the fact that gases mix and by the time CO2 reaches Mauna Loa, it has effectively mixed uniformly & is distributed throughout the atmosphere. Give me a little time and I'll find a bunch of references to uniform gas mixing, CO2, and Mauna Loa.

The thing about gases is, they stay mixed so long as conditions are favorable to mixing. What is important to consider with regards to CO2 mixing is that when conditions no longer favor mixing, CO2 will fall out of air. Why? CO2 is 60% heavier than O2, the next heaviest molecule in air.  What this means is, when conditions favor it, CO2 will precipitate out of air and fall to earth.

When Does CO2 Fall Out of Air?

And where does that CO2 go?

There are atmospheric conditions that encourage CO2 to fall out of air. Do they happen often? Not really. Is it bad when CO2 falls out of air? Very likely.

Here's a partial list of atmospheric conditions during which CO2 will precipitate out of air and fall towards gound:
  • Cold/Cool
  • Calm
  • Rain
  • Night
Is there evidence of CO2 levels measured on earth to be elevated above those measured at Mauna Loa?  Yes.  There are measurements taken in China that show four of eight days having CO2 levels elevated above Mauna Loa, with the high being 453ppm (note: get reference).

Yes, we measure CO2 all over the planet. No, we can't do anything if all the CO2 suddenly aggregated over NYC, fell to ground, and forced everybody in the city to try to survive breathing it for 10 minutes, before it left. Chances are, that will never happen as it's an extreme case. But it is possible, though not probable.

What is more probable, is for CO2 to precipitate out of air at night, aggregate in a trough, in a house, in a bedroom, and, person by person, destroy nervous system health. We don't know what the long-term effects of elevated CO2 intake is on our physiology. Adults might not be affected by it. Children, especially newborns, might be seriously affected by it. I'm not a doctor, but if I was looking for the source of a serious paralyzing disease, like Acute Flaccid Myelitis, I'd look at CO2 as a contributing source, as it's the kind of ghost-like, leave-no-evidence molecule capable of wreaking such havoc with our anatomy.


CO2 is Poison & it is Waste

One of the most frightening things about our dramatically increasing atmospheric levels of CO2 is that we have no idea what long term exposure to elevated levels of CO2 will do to not only our physiology, but really the physiology of any other creature on earth.  We're doing an uncontrolled experiment on all organisms on earth and in the oceans with a poison gas.

That it can and does fall to the ground in optimal conditions is a serious issue. At 280 ppm, there's about 10 feet of CO2 distributed in a column of air. There's likely more CO2 at lower elevations than at upper elevations. At 410 ppm, there's about 15 feet of CO2 per column of air, an increase of about five feet over what has been the long-term normal level of CO2.


12/21/18:  Rough notes follow. Bringing the notes from below into the document above this line. Adding to each as time allows, to ensure all the detail is elucidated and the case is made about the net negative and immediately deleterious issues related to both parasites and CO2.


The Outline

The outline that follows highlights the issues I'll be expanding on. Where they're expanded in other blog postings, I'll be providing links.

    1. how we're feeding them a significant portion of our diet
    2. how feeding them creates phenomenal waste of land
      1. loss of ecosystems for animals & birds
      2. loss of land usable for crops & farm animals
      3. prevents smarter land use & less deforestation
    3. How we have no way to get rid of them
      1. medicine treats infection
      2. When medicine stops, 100% reinfection
    4. Prolific organisms
      1. 50,000 - 100,000 eggs produced per day
      2. eggs size of dust
      3. durable eggs, last 1.5 - 5 years
    5. Treatment
      1. Biblical treatment takes 7 years
        1. Sound scientific diet
  1. CO2
    1. How it's contributing to illness
      1. in collaboration with parasites
        1. Acute flaccid myelitis (speculative, but reasonable)
          1. altering blood pressure & alveolar gas exchange due to neurotoxic venom & bruising of alveoli capillaries
            1.  could lead to significant loading, not unloading, of co2 (20x more soluble as oxygen) for bursts, until
              1. immune system corrects
              1. body reposition to facilitate draining of venom to low point of physiology
              1. co2 is 20x more soluble than o2
      2. breathing, eating, drinking excessive levels
        1. increased loading of blood-borne waste product without
        2. matching increased unloading of waste product
        3. in the presence of less viscous, nutrient rich, blood
          1. lower oxygenation at alveoli
          2. increased demand for unloading co2 at alveoli
    2.  Environmental stresses leading to extinction due to 410ppm levels and higher
      1. Increased heat at surfaces of earth
        1. land
        2. water
      2. Increase heat causes increased evaporation of water
        1. higher temperatures of high pressure
          1. increase airflow over land/water surfaces (higher velocity laminar flow from H to L pressure)
            1. increasing evaporation
            2. increase wind-speed
        2. larger storms
        3. greater cloud cover
          1. blocks sunlight
          2. decreases air temperature between clouds & land
      3. fires
        1. hotter, due to increased co2
          1. increases heat transfer to o2 at front of fire
          2. creates draw/vacuum (high velocity low pressure at front, high pressure behind)
          1. significant increase in airflow to leading edge
            1. feeds fire higher volume o2
            2. results in faster travel of fire
        2. larger burn area relative to lower airborne co2 levels
          1. decrease o2 production from loss of acreage/forest
          2. increase smoke
            1. blocks sunlight
            2. lowers temperature between clouds & land
By increasing airborne blockage of sunlight, by larger storms and fire events, the airborne CO2 won't have heat to hold and share with neighboring molecules. Earth's natural temperature, based on albedo/emissivity is -21 deg C (-5.8 deg F). Global cooling can happen so fast, it's not even a comparison to global warming.

In the event the temperature drops, it will drop fast as CO2/H2O/ghg's only respond to infrared heat. A rapid cooling of the environment below cloud/smoke cover will likely result in the following:
  1. Air above cloud cover being warmed
    1. Ensure the layers of atmosphere above troposphere
      1. will not be affected by cooling
      2. will maintain relative, constant pressures
  2. Air below cloud cover being cooled
    1. Will experience rapid drop of temperature and pressure
    2. Cause pressure to seek relief
      1. can't pull upper atmosphere down
      2. will exert pull/draw on earth's surface
        1. pull subterranean water to earth's surface
        2. create massive and rapid global flooding
          1. likely in combination with massive rain/hail storms.
        3. estimates of subterranean water suggests equivalent amount to all oceans.
          1. flooding capable to 30,000 feet (yes, top of mountains, like Genesis flood account).

Saturday, December 15, 2018

More Data For Tweet About Abomination, or, How we're going extinct & soon

12/17/18, 1.

Crop yield per acre for winter wheat is about 60 bushels. If there were 2,135 million bushels produced in 2013, that means there were 35,583 million acres planted.

Wheat consumption per person as a percentage of caloric intake varies from country-to-country and with significant variation. Americans in 2004 consumed about 133 pounds of wheat flour. A bushel of wheat weighs 60 pounds, so avg consumption in bushels is 2.217 bushels per person, though there's probably loss due to grinding of the wheat kernel.

Wheat consumption in 2013 represents approximately 10% of dietary intake.

For the sake of example, if belly locusts ate 1% of human dietary intake, and it was in the form of wheat, that means 10% of all the wheat being produced would go to feed a parasite. That amounts to 213.5 million bushels of wheat, 3,558 million acres of wheat grown, which humans ate in one year to feed an organism living within our bodies.

There are no good tests for parasites, so we assume, incorrectly, that we don't have them. When the numbers for parasites and modes of exposure/infection are so myriad and prolific, we are literally awash in eggs the size of dust all over the planet.

The reality is
  1. the estimate of parasites consuming 1% of human dietary intake is likely significantly low (see below).
  2. this is a worldwide problem/pandemic.
The logistics of preparing, growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, shipping, storing, selling, transporting, cooking a food product, wheat in this instance, to ensure we feed a parasite a significant portion, represents a massive amount waste (so many different forms) throughout the supply chain. An amount of waste that is 100% preventable by eliminating parasites.

The Book of Daniel, chapter 4, describes in approachable terms, how a parasite affects mental processing. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar shows a tree reaching to the heavens being hewn down, stripped of branches and fruit, and the stump left with roots in the ground, the base of which is wrapped in fetters of iron and bronze.

The tree represents the temporal mind. It has food for all, it can be seen from all over the earth, it provides shade & shelter for birds and animals - contains knowledge about time and season for all life. The amount of energy the tree, the higher mind consumes is significant; our mind consumes on the order of 20% of total caloric intake. The parasite's venom destroys the tree, the higher mind, by blocking cns signals to higher mind, and effectively reallocates the calories normally devoted to the tree to its own support and without diminishing caloric intake. In most cases, it increases caloric intake.

The mind consumes on the order of 20% of total caloric intake. The lower mind has very few caloric demands. Lower mind behavior is reduced to ego/self-glorification, fight, flight, and highly emotional responses (happy/sad). Reduced compassion and humility, lack of scientific pursuit, guilt before innocence, unwillingness to discuss/debate, are all likely signs of infection. It could be speculated that a neurotoxic parasitic venom could cause pain in the higher mind that, when stimulated, manifests emotional response to cause the pain to cease - conversation to end.

12/15/18 2:

Primary crops will be used to highlight production and waste associated with feeding organisms that parasitize human bodies. Will use 100% infection rate in combination with a range of caloric amounts to provide perspective. Will keep things as simple as possible, but once e.g. wheat goes into manufacturing to produce baked products, the amount of material and energy used to feed a belly locust will be difficult to calculate, but obviously significant.

Total wheat produced in 2013 in USA was 2,135 million bushels.

Reminder: show that eliminating belly locusts would make it possible to reduce forest destruction by reallocation of existing land currently used to feed belly locusts - the acreage and amounts will likely be significant.

12/15/18 1: 3:41pm - added a few notes and tasks to highlight what will be added to this document.
  • Where is the natural home for the serpent? Gen 3
  • Describe how prolific they are.
  • Behaviors ascribed to the serpent from scripture
  • Signs of infection beyond bruised heel
One of the things I'll be highlighting is the amount of energy wasted to produce crops and manufacture food-based products to feed serpents/parasites. This is one of the biggest issues related to serpents, as the amount of land, seed, fuel, materials, and energy wasted is dramatic and significant. Not only energy waste, but CO2 production is significant as a function of transporting, planting, tending, harvesting, processing, and other manufacturing steps to feed belly locusts as a function of percentage of caloric intake.

Once data is produced for humans, the same study will be applied to various species of domestic animals.

As for wild animals? Will show that reduced habitat space will not only ensure maximum infection rates, but also increase predation not just due to less space for prey animals, but due to high infection rates. Plus, high infection rates will increase hunger in prey animals. Will show that both predator and prey animals are, like humans and domestic animals, eating far more than normal and cannibalizing the food chain.

12/15/18 10:18am This post is going to get filled in.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Invisible Flying Pod of Awesomeness

Introducing the Flying Pod of Awesomeness 

[Note: Updates and new notes are added to the end of the document. Will aggregate them into a new revision when it makes sense. -Michael Ajemian] 

Updates added (After Conclusion)

12/19/18 - gyroscope (interior), electronics (Tesla Coil), exterior shape (egg), engine function/rotation/position & direction.

Dad Was an Apollo Designer

My dad was a designer who worked on Apollo, among many other space/weapons program projects. He was one of a team of people who had freedom to work on or with any component on the project. I've never seen anybody work like him. He would work a million miles an hour, doing mistake free work that was pristine, always with a smile. He would verify the physics of parts, units, and engines, as well as find improvements to things like the Saturn 5 rocket engines. Or he designed how to power the Lunar Rover. He worked hard and had a mantra that drove him:
"One mistake, everybody dies." - Dad's Apollo mantra.
He taught me to learn & work fast with precision and accuracy. He also fostered an interest in me in flying technology. He passed away in 1974 and I often wonder what he might have accomplished had he lived beyond his 38 years. I also wonder if he and I might have had the chance to collaborate, as we were always working together.


"Even if you don't understand the text, look at the pictures. Things will make sense eventually."

Whatever he was working on, he'd share with me and encourage me to learn the science, physics, or other disciplines related to the concept. He was fun because he came at you like a fire hose, but always made every step and construct make sense as he showed how assemblies came together or how rocket engines worked.


I want to fly in an invisible flying machine. But, how?

The other day, I remembered an idea I'd had in the summer of 2016 that I'm pretty sure my dad might have enjoyed working on with me. Three years ago I'd thought of a flying pod and had designed a few aspects of it before getting side-tracked by ideas about physics that lead me to design new core bicycle parts that lead me to a new electric turbine engine design.

First, make something fly.

Dad was right, sometimes just looking at pictures was very effective. I'd been looking at jet & rocket engines for years, but not understanding why. In summer of 2016, a couple of radical ideas lead quickly to designs that came together for bicycle components and an electric turbine engine. It all came together surprisingly fast. In a matter of weeks, I'd sketched up a bicycle components and the internals for an electric turbine engine and for fun, sketched up a concept design for a flying bike that resembled an F22 Raptor. If I could have a flying bike, I'd want it to be fast and responsive. What kid wouldn't?

After it flies, make it invisible. Invisible? Invisible!

The flying pod was different just was. Over a lot of years, I'd studied turbine & rocket engines & really not grown anywhere beyond what I'd already known, which wasn't much beyond what I'd learned as a kid with my dad. Coming up with a flying bike with new parts and new engine design finally seemed to get my mind airborne.

One day after designing the F22 Raptor Flying Bike I was thinking about how fun it would be to be in the air in a craft that disappeared. Maybe it was the video of the cloaked octopus that appeared out of nowhere that got me wondering. But cloaking a flying thing seemed radically hard, especially if I had to figure out how to cloak a plane like an octopus.

Start simple and let it grow.  What flies better than...a sphere?

But sometimes my mind wants to run on a problem, so I let it. I saw flying shapes in my mind and tried to figure out how to cloak them, but they were all too complicated. So I decided to start with a simple shape - a sphere, and see if there was a way to make it invisible.

My dad always said that finding the start of a problem made it possible to grow the solution well and quickly. He said the truth is the truth and once you find it, you can build on it. Once I had a flying sphere in my mind, it grew so fast I had to laugh.

I remember my thoughts went like this:
  1. Start with a sphere
    1. Make two layers of skins
      1. Make an outer layer of aircraft grade aluminum
        1. Make the inner layer of clear, structural glass
          1. Cut a slit out of the outer shell, like for an eye.
            1. Spin the outside real fast.
              1. Because, once the outside spins fast enough, it disappears.
              Probably been done, but I was pretty happy to come up with a solution to the problem of how to make an invisible flying craft.  Will work on weights and motors and other aspects to see if it's possible. But my inclination is to think that in this day and age, with all the advanced materials and small, lightweight, powerful motors, it's probably something that can be put together. If I had any resources available to me, I'd be working on a small prototype (I'm only working on this because the mafia hasn't finished me off & they took all my paperwork and designs for my other inventions).

                Now that it's invisible, make it fly!

                It took a minute to go from 1 to 7 and I was pretty shocked. I never expected to come up with any solution and here a disappearing flying sphere pod thingie was flying around in my head. It made sense though, because as long as the exterior rotation was fast, the refresh rate of the exterior is faster than the eye, and because of the slit from top to bottom, the exterior disappears.

                Thought Experiment: The view from 5,000 feet. So cool!

                I did a thought experiment. I imagined standing with my "son" inside a small pod 5,000 feet in the air with the outside standing still. I was inside a glass sphere enclosed in a metal pod in the dark. I imagined the slit opening, the exterior spinning, and the exterior disappearing until we were standing in a see-through glass pod in the air! I saw blue skies and clouds and the ground way down there and a completely unobstructed view in all directions.

                I was pretty excited. I stayed excited even when I realized I was imagining flying a machine that didn't have a flying shape or any engines and had probably been designed a million times already. If not, I can't even protect the idea, so I'm just writing it.

                I realized the electric turbine engine I designed might provide a good starting point. The weirdly disorienting thing about the shape is that it would fly like a ball, and the spin could be used to stabilize the craft by essentially turning it into a gyroscope (Prob not, but have better idea, see update at end of doc - prob have internal gyroscope so load on exterior isn't significant). If the engines were attached to a non-spinning part/base and the spinning-exterior-as-gyroscope stabilized flight, it might just work with well-placed engines and without wings.

                Engine Placement

                This is kind of off the top of my head, but there could be four engines placed around the central horizontal axis, or the base, of the craft. I imagine the inside maintaining level with the horizontal, even as the outside can rotate to position the engines for elevation and directional motion (for engines attached at the base). Going to do some quick sketching of this, because I've been pretty enamored with the idea and hadn't considered engine placement until just now. I saw it going up and down like the Apollo Lander and want to go sketch up engine placements.

                Coming Soon: An animation to show how it'll work. Maybe. My computer is kind of old and slow, so it may be I build a simple animation to show the rotation turning the vehicle invisible.


                Powered by Magnetism?

                One of the reasons I hadn't considered engines or engine placement was because I'd seen in my mind's eye a possible way to power this using magnetism. I know that sounds strange. It sounded strange when I thought of it, but the solution I came up with is novel and powerful. The design of this concept is pretty out there, but I'm positive it's possible. Would make it possible to fly at reasonable altitudes, too.

                There's one really hard problem to solve, for which I have a solution. But I'm kind of fuzzy on the physics, so I know that it'll work, I'm just not sure how and as this is a pure R&D project, know that it could take a while to put all the parts together and make work. I really am pretty sure it'll work and it probably wouldn't take more than 1-3 years to make and prove.

                It'd be pretty fun to make it possible to fly from ground to space without rockets and I think the idea that's running through my head might make it possible to do just that.  Would be something else to just run up to space and pull down junk or launch satellites with a high-degree of stability and safety.

                Mundane Designs First, Then I Go Maverick

                But, now that I'm seeing two solutions, a mundane and an R&D project, I'm going to work on the mundane solution and the math to balance engine location and thrust/power with physical stresses of normal flight to show if/that the mundane design will work, even if flying in a hurricane.  It'd be cool if a small pod a) could work (obviously) and b) was more stable than a C-130, because then an Invisible Pod of Awesomeness could be geared up and flown around weather events to collect more data and visuals.

                It'd be a cool kind of weird if the flight path would have to be calculated by adjusting both the engines thrust & direction and the rotation of the exterior, to compensate for e. g. wind direction and velocity.

                Bonus: Safety Built In

                The thing that struck me about this craft, if it really is capable of flight, as it seems, is that it might be possible to incorporate more safety features than a standard airplane:
                1. Parachutes
                2. Mars-lander-style airbags for max shock absorb, even at terminal velocity
                3. Flotation built in, so water landings don't involve exiting


                Types of Pods

                This is just a quick section I'll expand on if the concept starts getting traction. The IPoA was initially conceived while imagining my "son" and I flying up to 5,000 feet & having the world open up to view as the exterior started spinning. So the first concept was something small. But, if it could be made to work, it could be a mundane craft for commuting & travel. And it could be a craft for science exploration. If it could be scaled, it could be used for shipping materials. If the engines were modified, or could be altered in flight, the device could conceivably be made to safely submerge and used for a range of purposes underwater.


                Well, that's my overview of the Invisible Pod of Awesomeness.  If my dad was alive to see it? He'd laugh and we'd build it. As it is, I have the mafias of the world doing their best to literally bury me, like I went crazy & couldn't care for myself, with a work ethic that's at least as good as Bruce Springsteens (verified). Bury me for? 30 far more polished and extremely valuable inventions going back some 25 years, plus Bible writings. Sounds weird, but they hit me in the head to blind me to life, then milked me like a cow & made sure none of my work saw the light of day.

                So the Invisible Pod of Awesomeness may be left to others to build. I mean, somebody might already have done something like this, I just don't remember seeing it & have been riffing on the design a little here and there. Still, it'd be fun to build, even a prototype, so not being able to do any work on it or any other of the ideas God has blessed m with makes me kind of really a lot of sad.



                1. Gyroscope
                2. Electronics
                3. Egg-shaped exterior
                4. Engine function/rotation/position


                Rethought having/using/making the exterior as gyroscope and realized it would be preferable to have a gyroscope within the interior of the craft. A really powerful one. I like the idea of having a gyroscope that could stabilize the craft, while positioning and matching engines to perform motion in 6df.

                Just read about NASA's "reaction wheels" in orbital telescopes. That's kind of what I'm thinking about, but have to look at the physics once the weight of this contraption is estimated, in order to see if it's feasible.


                Would be interested to explore integrating a Tesla Coil into the design of the craft to power electronics. A big one, too. Right up the vertical axis of the interior pod.

                Egg-shaped Exterior

                Was considering shapes, and the two shapes I'd be most interested in exploring would be:
                1. Spherical
                2. Egg-shaped
                The egg-shaped exterior might be extraneous, but it might have advantages with regards to physical stress accomodation and aerodynamics.  If the craft can function without wings, simply by gyroscope and engines, then the slight elongation of the body might allow for better flow through air and/or water.

                Engine function/rotation/position

                This thing might fly like a lunar lander. Or a knuckleball :-)  Actually, I think it might be possible to make it fly and be responsive. Strangely.

                The shape offers some (apparently) interesting geometry options with regards to directional power. Wanted to add this here, as I'm thinking about a couple of engine placements/positions and whether 1/2/3/4 engines are provided.

                Vertical thrust - if gyroscope concept works, vertical thrust would provide a stable base to level the craft at fixed elevation for a hover. Possible engine placements/locations: at base or in optimal location based on structural test, luck, golden mean, finite element analysis, and/or performance test. If positioned above the base

                Tuesday, June 26, 2018

                Babylon the Pit: Part 1

                Babylon is the kingdom over earth. It worships all the religions that turn man into an agent of King Nebuchadnezzar or the Queen of Babylon.

                First: the King

                The king allows leaders, lawmakers, finance managers, law enforcers to lie, cheat, steal, murder for the benefit of themselves and the kingdom. Their empire is gangland.

                The king has his family mafia all too willing to do the bidding of their king. Even if it means defaming, fleecing, or chopping a person to pieces. Anything.

                The king elevates himself to the status of god on earth. He is untouchable and all powerful. More omniscient, omnipresent, than anybody.

                How does he use his power? He kills religions. They destroy societies and countries, scoffing at the weak god who let his people suffer and die. He is Cain, killing Abel.

                He utterly psychologically devastates, by killing families before the eyes of the children. He gouges the eyes out of a handful of survivors after making them witness the ritual slaughter of their children and family.

                He chops fathers to pieces and throws their body where the animals will eat the parts. He turns Temples into latrines, while laughing at the god who is unable to defend his people or himself. Then he plunders the gold, takes it and pays homage to his god of might with the spoils.

                He kidnaps as slaves the best and brightest youth, indoctrinates and educates them. Sure, he allows them to eat a different way, but only for a short time. Babylon offers freedom, but only a little. If it works? Best be certain the king will take the credit, though he won't endorse it. He's the king of earth and he eats what he wants. All his subjects do.

                Without question.

                The king uses subterfuge and lies to get the elder youth to divulge secrets, show they can think on their feet or even communicate with "the gods". Babylon collects all the gods and welcomes them, so long as lying, stealing, and murder are allowed.

                The king uses spies to learn of and steal secrets of their charges: inventions, and designs he can take, take credit for, and use like the god on earth he is. Inventors who speak out, disappear by law enforcement.

                The less anyone conforms, the more they're harassed. If they utterly refuse to conform, by eating a diet other than the kings and lie, cheat, steal, murder for the kingdom, they're eventually set upon by the kingdom. And killed. They can't buy. They're labelled crazy. Harassed. Falsely accused. They're the enemy within the walls where might makes right and everybody has their assigned duties.


                he stress upon a person who refuses to embrace the values of the king is like a fire. When the King has a ceremony demanding everybody sit up straight for him, or fall on the ground and worship him, their fate is sealed by their own hand. The king throws them in the furnace, heated seven times hotter because an example is made of traitors, as he says, "You're fired."

                That's just the start of the story.

                Saturday, June 9, 2018

                What I Think It Means To Be Born Again

                A war is on. Between a worldwide family rent in two. The family's have taken the first names of their eldest kids.

                They are each literalists set upon each other to the death. In the balance? The fate of God, heaven, and earth. And all life. Animals dont know whats up, they're just scared because everything smells like fear and death and there's nothing to eat.

                Darryl judges harshly by literal interpretation by categorization. Stone them.

                Having suffered at the hands of Darryl and his literal interpretation of the word, his other brother Darryl judges harshly by literal interpretation for spite. Cut their heads off.

                Both dogmatically and literally kind of almost not really at all even close to right. Right words, right order. But neither are at the right field. On the right day. With the right gear. Unaware at all of the purpose, much less the means to, um, win.

                Darryl gets blamed for his callous and what have you done and you spilled your brothers blood act. But his other brother Darryl instigated it. Like vapor the clue of his guilt in his having "started it", is only found in the echo of Darryls "am I my brothers keeper?" Because his other brother Darryl played judge, jury, and executioner because he didn't know "stone them", like so many other words weren't written as physical literal violence against Darryl but a gentle reminder to the 2nd thems which could be microbes to whales attacking his other brother Darryl, preventing both Darryl and his other brother Darryl from being as close as twins. So his other brother Darryl decided Darryl was deficient because that one phrase in the whole massive body of text was about the only thing apparently and obviously repulsively clear to him and wanting to "him to heaven" he was prepared to browbeat, shame, humiliate and then execute his brother with stones, rather than spending a lifetime talking to gain understand and grow with his brother and the word and let God guide them through the rough terrain. Because who do all shepherds turn to when things get edgy, hairy, or wow we're not gonna make it, scary, but the beat shepherd at being shepherd? Darryl tried logic from the book that was designed to cut through his other brother Darryls ignorance, but his other brother Darryl was afraid he would look weak in the eyes of his flock if he treated his brother Darryl with compassion and humanity.

                Enter the one guy who can start the party, bring everybody together and make the family whole again, and how's he received?

                Wow. He's having a rough slog. Seems everybody wants to beat him, steal his thoughts, tell him to shut up, and stomp him out. He's being inflicted with both sides, the stone him Darryls and the cut his head off other brother Darryls. Because the status quo is good and Darryl and his other brother Darryl are comfortable because they're both pretty sure they're each gonna win if they just get a few more troops in place. And even if they have to fight another 1,000 years, the red tide is in each of their favor, no matter how many Darryls have to die.

                And besides, Darryl knows to stuff his fingers in his ears and not hear one word the one guy has to say because the one guy's gonna start killing animals again and his other brother Darryl is sure the one guy is gonna pick Darryl's side because they're on his team because they believe in the word of that hypocritical book.

                In military parlance? It's a clusterfuck of epic madness that makes total sense, but only in the minds of Darryl and his other brother Darryl. If they could talk, they'd realize they were being knuckleheads. But they won't and now there are missiles a d jets and bombs and wow, so many guns. So it shouldn't be surprising if nothing makes sense to Darryl and his other brother Darryl, that nothing makes sense to the animals. They're not sure how to feed their babies. The one guy is like, later for this, let 'em all have it and die. Almost. Nobody likes to be the tail end of every joke and for life. But he understands things and has a perspective unlike anybody and all the way in his heart, in a teensy spot he's sheltered from the insanity, he reminds himself he believes in Darryl and his other brother Darryl getting it. One day. Soon.

                Meanwhile, nobody's listening to either side and nobody wants to hear anything the one guy has to say because then shit's gonna be final and Darryl and his other brother Darryl are each sure nobody is going to heaven except the other Darryl and the one guy. So Darryl and his other brother Darryl each together but separately decide on a scorched earth policy defined by screaming at but not talking and trashing the shit out of everything before nobody goes to heaven and make sure nobody survives anything because Darryl and his other brother Darryl are each gonna neither win. Ever.

                So everybody arrays in war to destroy the family, God, his book of wisdom, and all life on earth, because literally the book makes no sense, except it does for judgment for Darryl and for spite for his other brother Darryl, each of whom would rather decide to go to hell by their own hand than hear judgment from the one guy...who's not anybody's judge and just wants to clear things up because Darryl and his other brother Darryl will both be happy and together again and nobody will lose face or be anything but relieved. And no rocks will be thrown or animals slaughtered. 

                But who's gonna listen to the one guy when he's broken, poor and starving? God's the God of heaven, his representatives have wings, harps, gold, and the insane ability to scare the snot and total life out of people - it's literally in the book.

                The book of the shepherd. The book of the shepherd! The book of the shepherd? Is gonna emphasize gold? Or is God gonna send a shepherd who isn't a primadonna gold medallion statuette, but one well versed, dirt, poop, plants, bugs, snakes, worms, birds, whales, stinky animals, psychology, tenacity, fitness, health, kids, marriage, tech, music, business, construction, contracts, logistics, teenagers, suffering, inspiring people to keep going, even when it hasn't stopped hurting for what feels like forever, and maybe more? Like the utter tragedy and foolishness of: war.

                I think Darryl and his other brother Darryl have spent enough time fighting over literal interpretations and are ready to do what God programmed us to do: laugh. Hold feasts in the desert. Finding the food where? Exactly! We grow trees and eat the fruit. Can't grow trees and eat fruit when we're all judging Darryl and throwing stones or angry at the hypocrisy of his other brother Darryl and cutting heads off for spite.

                The real problem is both Darryls are looking for a guy with one name not another. Because the one guy is in one teeny tiny place in the animal killing book and the other guy is everywhere in the nutty crunchy happy time book, coming back with a whole different name with nutty crunchy happy sunshine and kumbaya.

                But the secret to decoding with your super decoder ring lies in Daniel chapters 2-7, written in Aramaic - though similar to biblical Hebrew, is intended to say king Nebuchadnezzar wrote a book lacking the detail of the rest of the book and in a foreign language. It's not the book of life. And your decoder ring shows it because only chapter 7 has a date and the date is the reign of the king who's son of the queen he's ruling with and under.

                The queen is in charge of Babylon - all the earth - women. And their kids. Dads, if they read the writing on the wall? They get to be third in the kingdom - slaves to the queen and their children. The queen thinks the mysoginistic bible is for men. It's not. Women are everywhere men are.

                But until the queen sees? Darryl and his other brother Darryl aren't going to listen to the one guy. And we'll keep on the merry go round of warfare, disease, illness, and death. And watch our kids suffer, too. And the animals die. And the oceans, too.

                Until we pop the bubble and meet God and he's crying because we weren't eating the way he taught us to, and it was right there in the book, and Michael has tried sharing it with you and everybody else for 14 years. 

                And not only is nobody listening to Michael, he's going to starve to death.

                Where are the women in the bible? Eve named Cain because she wanted him, and when she wanted him, and he was special, and Abel was invisible, and they grew and fought and didnt get along. Because Adam and Eve didn't tend their flock by doing the right things, for the right seasons, with the right food. And Abel judged Cain to be stoned and Cain said Abels a hypocrite and Abel said "am I my brothers keeper?" And Cain got so mad, he killed him and mocked him saying, "am I my brothers keeper?" And decided he would teach Abel a lesson about how hypocritical the bible and Abel is and decided he would do everything opposite what the bible says because it's a stupid book, so acting stupid, mean, violent, and spiteful makes sense in a backwards and upside down way.

                Cain and Abel, Darryl and his other brother Darryl, will only survive if they are born again. As Shem. We will only survive if we stop fighting and start collaborating about what we eat - from food to science. So we pass useful, grounded knowledge for survival for generation after generation, like Genesis 5. 

                Women have great influence as shepherds. Like Ishmael, raised by Hagar to turn against his fathers teachings and to disrespect Sarah (Torahs) teachings. Hagar turned to do what she wanted. Not what was right for the season and time and place. And in order to save his family, Abraham had to send her away for a while until she could show Sarah respect. 

                Like Rebecca, teaching Jacob (Jewish) to steal his birthright from his brother Esau (Babylon/Roman), to start the "Jacob is a hypocrite" campaign. And then having him steal his father's blessing before sending him to her organized crime brother to finish him off. Isaac was blind and Rebecca took full advantage. Kind of sounds familiar...But before he killed Jacob, Laban got 20 years of abuse in, forcing him to work as a slave to earn his daughters. Then tricking him in a big joke, forcing him to marry Leah and then Rachel, both of whom demanded Jacob do what they want and be used as a breeding stud for their competition. Women exhibit a range of behaviors and strategies towards each other, men, and kids, and for their desires all through the bible. But like in real life as queens their machinations and strengths are Esther; hidden.

                Speaking of Esther, heroine who realized Haman wasn't just plotting to kill all the Jews, he was plotting to kill the king and take over the kingdom. A plot that had almost succeeded when Haman and his sons, from different mothers with surrogate, substitute fathers, stole every piece of the kings plans against Greece, sold them as "the total kings plan" and expected nobody to come back. One to five million humans slaughtered by Haman the traitor. 

                But the king and his guard survived. So Haman taunted his poor, destitute king by offering him money, all the money he'd made selling his countryman out, in exchange for all the Jews throughout the kingdom, worldwide. What looked like an investment was really a purchase, as evidenced by Hamans desire to ride the kings horse in the kings clothes. A signal that the cous had been successful.

                Esther bravely saved the king and kingdom and her people, all with inspiring tact. She never said a word, but helped her husband the king grow and solve the puzzle by clues and hints. Then, she knocked Haman out with the truth, making the kings job clear and easy. So he didn't just look like, he became king again by his trust of Esther and her trust in him, and together they achieved understanding as to the depth of some individuals greed, avarice, malice, and genocidal intentions. Esther is an amazing woman at a time fraught with abject terror.

                Then there's Ruth, friend, who was simply her loyal, faithful self to Hadasa, becoming and remaining family to her mother in law, even after both and Orpah, lost their husbands, Hadasas husband and sons. Orpah left to go follow her heart and do What she wanted, like Eve with her first 2 sons.

                The bible is full of stories of women and men. Its had bad marketing and PR. Aided by misunderstanding of which path makes sense to pursue. But one can't start down the right path until getting ones shepherd head right to know which path, when, and why.

                So that's a quick intro to the story of one family split in two taking the names of their eldest, Darryl and his other brother Darryl and their war of nonsense that almost makes sense but so totally doesn't make any sense and the one guy who just wants the same thing everybody else does except he makes sense and knows how to translate the writings that aren't literal because we arent computers and literal interpretations reduce us to running software without interpretation.

                And we know that makes a little bit of total sense but not at all because "walk across the street" has a million tiny little additions that rapidly trend towards infinity depending on time of year, location, visibility, etc, so God has reduced life to the essence and in ways that make us smart to interpret things as shepherds, based on time, season, temperate zone, water, air, moisture and a million other metrics that help us shepherds lead our flock wherever we have to go and with food and shelter and what we need to keep going. 7

                Because most everything we run into is trying to kill and eat and mostly, like lions, sees things as meals or not. Everything, anything, that's food, and us. And we can't let any of it eat us, but have to make sure whatever it is? It's life and needs food and Darryl and his other brother Darryl are the only creatures capable of tending to all life. So they, and by extension we, have to be born again as Shem and learn to eat of the word, not of the kings table (Dan 1), which sounds remarkably like "everything in moderation". And make sure all life, from microbes to whales have food. And we can't both be at war and tend to the earth and each other. War has to stop or nothing works.

                Monday, February 26, 2018

                Coming Soon: Bible Stuff Writings & Presentations For You

                I need to take stock of books of the Bible I've been studying and have reason to share a little of what I've learned from them.  What I've learned is different than what I've found from sources.  What I've seen is pretty cool.  I've laughed at a number of the insights, they're pretty awesome.  I'm looking forward to doing some presentations.  Will probably start with Daniel and work to some of the other books.

                What am I seeing?  Real detail that is timely and meaningful.

                Here's a list of the books:
                1. Daniel
                2. Ezekiel
                3. Ruth
                4. Esther
                5. Genesis
                6. Exodus
                7. John
                8. Job
                9. Jonah
                I have to listen to Isaiah again. There's a lot there.

                Oh, almost forgot these phrases/fragments that I heard, thought about, and suddenly came to life in mind.  I think the interpretations make sense, but am waiting to share them:
                1. bread & wine
                2. heaven & earth
                3. sheep, baa!
                4. stoning
                5. what Jesus was writing on the ground in John 8
                 There's more. Will add labels/contexts/notes as I remember.  Just need to keep track or I forget.  I forget a lot of stuff, but not of the Bible.

                Monday, November 6, 2017

                Daniel 12 and a Time of Trouble

                I was thinking about Daniel 12:1 last night.  Not the whole verse, but a few words:
                "...and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:..."
                The words ran through my head, then I started thinking about history.  I hope those words are metaphor, because if they're literal?  There's already been an ocean of blood spilled in the name of conquest.

                Were I to even attempt to enumerate the horrors mankind has effected on each other?  It's too much, would take too long.  Any such list should cause tears to flow from our eyes.  For what reason could we have to treat man as lower than an animal: to be tortured, maimed, slaughtered, and how many other horrible words?

                Our religions have turned God into sport.  We're #1.  We're the only right way.  God has given us how many different types of everything?  How many different trees?  How many animals?  How many different insects?  Yet we're supposed to only have one path to God?  No.  I'm sorry, even if a book says it, it's not meant to be taken as literal.  Our brains, our minds, don't work when fed a diet of "follow these words as dogma and stop thinking".  Our minds work on words as seeds to grow trees of wisdom.

                We're supposed to help each other, care for ourselves, the earth, and all life.  That's all there is.  We've inverted the teachings - the teachings of the highest.  We've inverted "do to others as you would have them do to you" - empathy and self-awareness - into bloodsport.

                I pray that Daniel's message is metaphor.  Though with acres of nuclear weapons and trillions upon trillions of dollars flooding into weapons construction and research every year?  All it would take is a handful of people to decide they want to inflict maximum suffering upon our species, and Daniel's message from God would be truth.  That's a frightening prospect, because the history of our species has been filled with unconscionable, unbelievable violence.  Any concept of trouble worse than we've already seen?  I shudder at the prospect.

                Friday, September 15, 2017

                Part 3: Correlating Genesis Chapters 1 & 2: Earth & Seas


                This is the third article in a series which seek to correlate the days of creation between Genesis chapters one and two. Each article attempts to show how and where each chapter speaks of related days.

                In this article, the first portion of day 3 will be explored; the creation of Earth and Seas.

                Chapter 1

                Day 3 of creation sees God creating the Earth and Seas, followed by the grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit tree bearing fruit with seed. The verses follow:

                9 And God saith, `Let the waters under the heavens be collected unto one place, and let the dry land be seen:' and it is so.

                10 And God calleth to the dry land `Earth,' and to the collection of the waters He hath called `Seas;' and God seeth that [it is] good.

                11 And God saith, `Let the earth yield tender grass, herb sowing seed, fruit-tree (whose seed [is] in itself) making fruit after its kind, on the earth:' and it is so.

                12 And the earth bringeth forth tender grass, herb sowing seed after its kind, and tree making fruit (whose seed [is] in itself) after its kind; and God seeth that [it is] good;

                13 and there is an evening, and there is a morning--day third.

                Genesis 1:9-13 YLT98

                Chapter 2

                Chapter 2 of Genesis contains a narrative similar to chapter 1 in verses 5 through 9, as follows:

                5 and no shrub of the field is yet in the earth, and no herb of the field yet sprouteth, for Jehovah God hath not rained upon the earth, and a man there is not to serve the ground.

                6 and a mist goeth up from the earth, and hath watered the whole face of the ground.

                7 And Jehovah God formeth the man--dust from the ground, and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a living creature.

                8 And Jehovah God planteth a garden in Eden, at the east, and He setteth there the man whom He hath formed;

                9 and Jehovah God causeth to sprout from the ground every tree desirable for appearance, and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

                Genesis 2:5‭-‬9 YLT98


                Chapter one has dry land and seas in verse 9. Chapter 2 has earth and dry land created in verse 5 of chapter 2.

                In verse Gen 2:6, water is introduced. However it isn't described expressly as Seas. In Gen 2:6, water is described in an active manner "and a mist goeth up from the earth..." Further, the mist that actively goes up, comes down and waters the ground.

                Where are the Seas? Logical Deduction

                The text of Genesis 2:6 is clear there are three parts described: earth, mist, and ground. 
                For the mist to fall onto the ground, the ground can't be covered with water, or the text would say it falls into or onto water. Since the ground isn't covered with water, the water must be on the earth, but not covering the ground.

                The earth is either a perfect sphere or it isn't. If the earth is a sphere, water will cover as much of the surface as possible. Given the volume of water on earth, water would cover the entire surface if the earth as described in Gen 2:6 was a sphere.

                If the earth is not a sphere, then water will do what water does, run downhill and gather within the lowest bounds that can hold it. Even if the ground is one foot above the earth, water will find a way to run down one foot.

                The following two paragraphs highlight the logic to show that Gen 2 ground is to Gen 1 dry ground and Gen 2 earth holds the water Gen 1 calls the gathering of waters:

                1. The earth can't be a sphere, because the mist falls on the ground, meaning the ground can't be covered with water or the mist would fall on water. Therefore Gen 2:6 ground is to Gen 1 dry ground.
                2. Further, the Gen 2:6 earth can't be ground or it would be called ground. For the mist to go up from earth, therefore, the Gen 2:6 earth must hold some kind of pooling of water that is actively going up.

                In order to learn that Gen 2:6 is the partner verse to Gen 1:9, the text requires that logical thought be applied. The logic presented in the previous paragraphs appears to support that both chapters declare earth, seas, and dry ground.

                What remains to do is assign labels such that each chapter clearly shows all components are declared.

                Earth of Gen 1 is to the ground of Gen 1. Therefore ground of Gen 2 is to Earth of Gen 1.

                By deduction, Seas of Gen 1 are not to the earth of Gen 2, but to the source of the mist; the water that is going up from an implicit source, the gathering of waters called Seas.

                The heaven and earth (lower case) are being created.

                Thus, the dry ground, Earth, and gathering of waters, Seas, are declared to be upon the earth, which is being created with heaven, as described in both Genesis 1 and Genesis 2.

                Why All the Logic & Deduction?

                Why is there such a logical search to find water? Maybe it's a metaphor. Isaac and his sons dug wells. Moses needed water for the Israelites. Perhaps as we create light in our minds, our nervous system connects our thoughts (fire) to understanding, water (heart).

                Both aspects, thought and understanding, fire and water, are perhaps required to achieve wisdom. Will be relating the search for understanding in a coming article about how God is often referred to as a Shepherd. The article will describe how shepherding requires resourcefulness within myriad contextual needs and how they all relate to the Bible.


                The creation of day 3 Genesis chapter 1 opens with the creation of dry ground, Earth, and a gathering of waters, called Seas.

                In this article, an attempt has been made to show that Genesis 2 declares dry ground is upon the earth, matching dry ground created on day 3 of Genesis chapter one.

                Further, by logical deduction, the pooling of waters of Genesis chapter one has been discovered in Genesis chapter 2 to be upon the earth, not upon the ground, by considering the source of the mist that goes up, that it falls on the ground, and, by considering the property of water seeking lowest bounds, pools outside of the bounds of the ground declared in Genesis 2.

                Finally, as Genesis 2 presents ground and the source of the mist, the ground of Gen 2 is to Earth of Gen 1, and the source of mist of Gen 2 is to Seas of Gen 1. In both narratives, the Earth and Seas are elements of the creation of earth as declared on Gen 1:1.

                It therefore appears that both creation narratives show that Earth and Seas have been created upon earth.

                Wednesday, September 13, 2017

                Part 2: Correlating Genesis Chapters 1 & 2: Light and Heaven

                This is the second of a series of articles that attempt to correlate the first two chapters of Genesis. The first article highlighted how the creation of man relates between the two, at minimum in relation to the first clause of Genesis 1:27 pointing to Genesis 2:7 (highlighted below in bold-italic):
                27 And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.
                Genesis 1:27 YLT98
                7 And Jehovah God formeth the man--dust from the ground, and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a living creature.
                Genesis 2:7 YLT98
                This article will attempt to highlight how the first 2 days of creation of Genesis 1 are similarly present in chapter 2 and that they directly correlate to each other.
                Chapter 1, First Two Days of Creation
                The first day of creation is described in Genesis 1:2-5. In it, God creates light.
                The second day of creation sees the creation of heaven in Genesis 1:6-8.
                Chapter 2, First Verses
                In chapter two, there's no explicit mention of either light or heaven having been created. The chapter opens with verses about Shabbat/Sabbath, day of rest, described in Genesis 2:1-3:
                1 And the heavens and the earth are completed, and all their host;
                2 and God completeth by the seventh day His work which He hath made, and ceaseth by the seventh day from all His work which He hath made.
                3 And God blesseth the seventh day, and sanctifieth it, for in it He hath ceased from all His work which God had prepared for making.
                Correlating Days 1 & 2
                It is this author's convention that the first six days of creation describe God's work week, a template for how things are created, and ultimately viewed as very good. Further, the second week highlights how chapter 2 maps directly to chapter 1, providing clear guidance from God to man about how man is to be: created in the image of God and likeness, tending to God's creation.
                Chapter one opens with the first two days seeing the creation of light and heaven. Chapter two opens with the Sabbath, then immediately jumps to the beginning of a day in which Earth and Seas are present, a clear correlation to Day 3 of chapter one.
                For the creation sequence to map one-to-one, Genesis 2 has to therefore open with light and heaven.
                Genesis 2: Creating Light and Heaven
                The opening of the Sabbath; the lighting of candles, is the weekly act that maps Genesis 2 to the creation of light of Genesis 1. The first day of creation thus maps to the start of Sabbath.
                The Sabbath continues as a reflection of heaven on earth, filled with the light of life. While the opening of the Sabbath creates light, the entire day is, like heaven, blessed and sanctified by God when man (male and female) lives in the image and likeness of God. The Sabbath is a day of family, feast, community, and study of God's word without worry of work, because all the work has been done.
                For man, there is no other way to create heaven on earth outside of following God's word. By lighting candles and honoring the Sabbath, man weekly creates light and heaven on earth. In this way, the Sabbath of Genesis chapter 2 maps directly to the first two days of creation in Genesis chapter 1.

                Friday, September 8, 2017

                Part 1: Correlating Genesis Chapters 1 & 2: Creation of Man


                Creation of man, as in male and female. The male of the species have some extra rules. Why? Planting seed. Males appear to need extra guidance in order to learn to be patient and understand with whom to plant seed and tend the garden with.


                It's often suggested that the first two chapters of the Bible don't relate to each other. Skeptics point to a range of apparent inconsistencies in sequence or linguistics. Some claim different authorship of the two chapters.

                To those who make claims against the two chapters being other than the inspired word of God, this one's for you. It's an introduction to the interconnectedness and direct relationship between the days God creates and described. This article scratches the surface, showing the purpose of each chapter defines the presentation style.

                Genesis 1: God Creates

                In the first chapter of Genesis, God clearly creates the heaven and earth. Starting with light on day 1, creation culminates with a series of verses related to the creation of man in the image of God.

                For the sake of assigning a label to the six days of creation in chapter 1, let's agree to call it:

                Genesis 1: God's Work Week

                Genesis 2: Man Tends God's Creation

                The second chapter of Genesis doesn't make obvious how, or if, it dovetails with the first. What is clear is that it has elements of the first woven throughout and that it provides detail about man interspersed. For the sake of discussion, let's agree to call it:

                Genesis 2: Man's Work Week

                Linking Chapter 1 Man with Chapter 2 Man

                Man is introduced in chapter 1 on the sixth day after God creates the beast of the earth. The following two verses, 26 and 27, are the beginning of a contract - God's Law. They refer to man being made in God's image. The first is declarative. The second is enumeratively descriptive. The descriptive verse highlights a sequence which elaborates how man will be created in stages.

                26 And God saith, `Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea, and over fowl of the heavens, and over cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that is creeping on the earth.'

                27 And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.
                Genesis 1:26‭-‬27 YLT98

                2:7 And Jehovah God formeth the man--dust from the ground, and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a living creature.
                Genesis 2:7 YLT98

                Legend of text highlights for proceeding verses:
                Bold relates to bold (1:26(1) -> 1:27). Bold italic relates to bold italic (1:27(1) -> 2:7).

                This article will attempt to show how the descriptive, enumerative verse, first clause (Gen 1:27(1) in bold-italic) links to a verse in the text that follows. In much the same way as a contract defines how elements are first declared, then described enumeratively, then detailed by performance characteristics, God is here laying down The Law regarding His creation of man.

                The Creation of Man: Birth

                Genesis 2 suddenly places the creation of man in a location that correlates to the creation defined on day 3 in chapter 1. This is, and has been, a source of confusion. However, if one draws a line between the first clause of Gen 1:27 to Gen 2:7, the relation can be assigned that attempts to clarify.

                Man created in Gen 2:7 is directly linked, by sequential position, as first supporting phrase to the first descriptive clause of Gen 1:27 and, "man in His image":

                "Gen 1:27 And God prepareth the man in His image;"

                Links to:

                7 And Jehovah God formeth the man--dust from the ground, and breatheth into his nostrils breath of life, and the man becometh a living creature.
                Genesis 2:7 YLT98

                In the abstract, the first man of Gen 2:7 is simply created and placed in the garden of Gen 2:8. In fact, the text of Gen 1:27(1) says that man was prepared, created as an image, by position within the phrase.

                In life, the first type of preparing man literally undergoes is in the womb. Whether the verse Gen 2:7 is literal or allegorical, the first man being prepared is literally a forming, biologically from dust of the ground - building up until completely formed and breathing the breath of God. In a real sense, the first man is born: formed and brought to life by God.

                In the image of God He prepared him: Growth

                27 And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.
                Genesis 1:26‭-‬27 YLT98

                The change in position of man relative to God between the first and second clauses of Gen 1:27 show that God has worked on man in some way or ways. The forming of man in the image of God in the case of Gen 1:27(2), by virtue of his change in position relative to God, suggests change over time. The position of man relative to God is significant in each phrase.

                In the first clause, "And God prepareth the man in His image", man is sandwiched between both references to God: God, man, His.

                In the second clause, "in the image of God He prepared him", man follows both references to God: God, He, him. God has moved/shifted man's position between the two clauses, suggesting change over time.

                Whether real.or imagined, the first clause is suggestive of a child between parents, while the second is suggestive of an independent, grown child outside the realm of parents, though this idea/construct is based purely on speculative imagery. The remaining commentary will remain focused on literal constructs.

                What is it about man that has changed and that God has affected? Man has grown from being simply formed (Gen 2:7) to having learned to tend the garden on his own (Gen 2:8-20). He has learned about how the elements, plants, and animals all fit together. He's learned how all the living aspects of God's creation work in time and seasons and over the earth, navigating the entire planet (more on the rivers as they relate to day 4 of creation soon.) In a real sense, he's grown, matured, and understands how to care for God's creation of Gen 1, up and to Gen 1:27(3).

                While the text of the first two clauses related to the creation of man in Gen 1:27 suggest first man is born, then he grows, they also appear to allude to the structure amd dynamic of the text.

                By virtue of linking verse-to-verse (a one-to-one relationship) and verse-to-verses (one to many), God is here asking us to be aware of structure as we progress through the book, and to keep an eye out for how the text relates to different verses and why.

                The remainder of this article highlights how God grows man in accord with Gen 1:27(2).

                Stop and Take A Look Around, Created Man

                Man of Gen 2:7 has been created in a specific point in time. If we look to chapter one, we can maybe correlate the day. Day one has light. Day two has heaven.

                Man isn't here created on either of the first two days. Day three of Gen 1 sees the creation of dry land, Earth, and gathering of waters, Seas, followed by grass, herb-sowing seed, and fruit-bearing trees:

                9 And God saith, `Let the waters under the heavens be collected unto one place, and let the dry land be seen:' and it is so. 
                10 And God calleth to the dry land `Earth,' and to the collection of the waters He hath called `Seas;' and God seeth that [it is] good. 
                11 And God saith, `Let the earth yield tender grass, herb sowing seed, fruit-tree (whose seed [is] in itself) making fruit after its kind, on the earth:' and it is so.
                Genesis 1:9‭-‬11 YLT98

                This new man in the image of God is placed after the following major elements of Genesis 1 creation have been created:

                1. Light
                2. Heaven
                3. Earth and Seas

                It is apparent that man really can't do much with these elements except stand in awe at their having been created in the large. However, as man is the target audience for the Torah, maybe there's a purpose for this new man having been placed after these elements.

                Without really moving much, looking forward might provide clues about man's placement in this exact location. Let's see if Gen 2:8 might provide any clues for us:

                And Jehovah God planteth a garden in Eden, at the east, and He setteth there the man whom He hath formed;
                Genesis 2:8 YLT98

                First the Elements, Then the Garden

                From having been created from the dust to being placed in a garden on the surface doesn't provide much in the way of clues. But when the first four elements of creation are translated into earthly, tending a garden kind of terms, maybe things will become a little clearer:

                1. Light
                2. Heaven -> Air
                3. Earth -> Soil
                4. Seas -> Water

                If we come to understand that man, in the image of God, has to tend the garden, then the placement of the creation of man in between the elements that support growth, and the plants that will be grown, starts to make sense. Especially when the word "tend" is assigned to man and the garden.

                It should be noted that air is supported as an aspect of the element "Heaven" within the verses of day 2 of Gods Work Week:

                And God maketh the expanse, and it separateth between the waters which [are] under the expanse, and the waters which [are] above the expanse: and it is so.
                Genesis 1:7 YLT98

                The biblical language is such that the creation of heavens appears to be fractal, or self-similar, describing the biggest heavens (suggesting masses of water above and below the expanse of heavens in the large) as well as those within the canopy of the earth - air - using the same words which apply to progressively smaller contexts.


                Staying with the theme of Gen 1:27(2), "in the image of God He prepared him".

                If God is preparing man, then it logically follows that God will be instructing how His creation week applies to man. Prior to the declaration of a river running from Eden, man has been learning how days 1-3 of God's creation apply to him and tending the garden.

                And a river is going out from Eden to water the garden, and from thence it is parted, and hath become four chief [rivers];
                Genesis 2:10 YLT98

                First question that arises when Gen 2:10 is read is often, "Where is Eden?"  If man has been created on earth, it logically follows that Eden could possibly be found somewhere on earth. How to find it is a vexing question.

                If we want to find a location of a place on earth, we have to know how to locate that place at least well enough to describe how to find it relative to locations outside of it.

                For a while and throughout history, directions about places have been associated with maps. Creating reliable maps is an exercise which requires the translation of spatial constructs about earth into reliable detail on paper, such that others can follow said detail to find a place.

                While rudimentary maps can be drawn from visual detail, the most reliable maps are created by using the stars, sun, and moon to coordinate and accurately determine position of an object upon earth. If man is being grown in the image of God, and day 3 is clearly associated with grass, herb, and trees, the introduction of rivers appears to represent a clear transition to day 4.

                [More to come...]


                Knowledge and Wisdom: The Missing Piece

                As the man of Gen 2:7 has just been created, and he is placed by God into the garden, what he will be lacking is knowledge and awareness regarding what it means to tend the garden. Here at the beginning, man is faced with an enormous task.

                First, because they came first, God will show man, and man has to begin to understand, the elements on their own. What constitutes each? How do they work on their own? How do they work together and what and how do they affect each other?

                Just understanding the elements constitutes a mountain of work. Once in the garden, things become unbelievably complex. Each plant has light, air, soil, and water requirements, each with interrelated detail of others (heat, humidity, type of light), and each plant interacts with their environment in myriad ways.

                By virtue of a handful of verses and their apparent relation, God will show man, and the man of day 3 has to grow in wisdom regarding how to tend the garden of the earth. In so doing, man arrived at Gen 2:20 as the completed man of Gen 1:27(2).

                Further, as the language of Genesis 1:26-31 is contractual, the task of tending the earth appears to be mandatory and the instruction manual is the Bible, if the contents of this article are deemed to be valid.


                This article serves as an introduction to God's Law. It has attempted to reconcile one aspect of Genesis chapter one with its related counterparts of Genesis chapter two. It introduces Gen 1:26 and Gen 1:27 as portions of the law, as contract, which God has made with man, link clauses of Gen 1:27 with their supporting implementation as found in scripture of Genesis chapter 2.

                What God appears to be providing for the man, newly created on day 3, after the elements light, air, soil, and water and immediately before man is placed in the garden, is instruction that introduces the work of man: tending the garden.

                In the next article, more detail regarding the garden will be expanded and explored, and more elements of Genesis 2 will be correlated with Genesis chapter one.