Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Biblical Serpent is a Bad Egg and So Are His People

What follows four or so paragraphs below is a letter I just wrote to my ex-wife, a secret member of a society the Bible refers to as Babylon (lions, pride). Their religion is astrology and this note describes the mechanism of how they use it as a weapon of mass destruction. This note describes how the cult worships the golden calf - astrology - and how it's used to manipulate time, destroy the gifts God gives us by delaying their development and use, and destroys God's children who are replaced with the line of Cain, who see themselves as gods. But will go into greater Biblical detail in another blog post, as the Bible is full of stories that relate these people to their approach to life and desire to use and destroy Bible people.

The only reason I know is because I'm living it. I've been studying astrology for a long time, to try to see if it's real. But also have been seeing the Bible stories come to life. That so many Bible (OT) stories show this Babylonian cult in action has helped me see the fine detail and finally understand that by creating marriages and children based on prime dates/times that leverage the serpent in the chart, they give birth to their success and their victims detriment and death. This is imho the method that Cain used to kill Abel, steal his inventions, and generate the line of monsters who God had to eliminate by flood.

There's a little more Biblical detail in the note, but will write a more detailed post that shows even more about how they are, and have been, robbing and killing people to eliminate the Bible and create their own line of people - they are in opposition to God, thinking they are some kind of gods on their own (they eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and think that's how they become gods, when God asks us to walk in His ways and honor his book so we can live in the image of God.)

The basis of their world is the serpent. They parasitize another's life, destroy them, take everything they own or have created/invented, and destroy the victim's bloodline and heritage. My ex-wife's father is Donald Trump, who embedded her in an Italian family in Queen's, who may be mafia because my ex did something to place me under a person whom I only recently learned was real-deal, hard-core mafia. I realized she was Trump's daughter in May of this year.

My ex created a son with Barrack Obama, and played him off as my son, though I learned recently he wasn't my son - for myriad and obvious reasons, and that led me through the logic in his astrology chart and how he was created to generate a chart which was timed / designed to destroy me in such a subtle way, it took a lot of study to see the detail. But wow, is it real and they've kept everybody in the dark about the power of astrology for a long time. The reality is, this is why the Bible says for us to avoid using astrology for anything more than temporal psychology, to help us understand behavior patterns, not our fate.

Here's where the note starts...

In Genesis 3, the Serpent does some talking to a woman, and she in turn feeds a man. Seems it's a direct reference to our current situation. Allow me to 'splain, Lucy.

Seems somebody in your past learned a little astrology and managed to do a little experimenting with it. They found it worked surprisingly well and created a whole religion/cult around it with the focus on making a family that erases all the weak, Biblical ones, while . Your people are all about your bloodline, but you're also about the Serpent. But what's the serpent and what does it have to do with bloodlines and astrology. It's all kind of a fractal arrangement that allows all the lines to be blurred and the players to be hidden.

There are two lines, the male line and the female line. The goal of each is to propagate the bloodline in secret, while acquiring the wealth and valuables of victims, while destroying them publically and personally, to death

The female line targets victims. The marriage date is significant as the chart has to favor her over the victim. When the time is right astrologically, the woman has a child by one of her cult members who bears a strong resemblance to the victim. The woman makes sure to get pregnant prior to having sex with the victim, but is sure to have sex with the victim so they think the child is theirs. The child's birth date is planned, based on a target/pre-determined astrological configuration. The real father's Sun is placed, with Rahu, in the 12th house of the child's chart, so as to be associated with the house of isolation, prison, asylums and aligned in opposition to the victim's planet and Ketu, seven houses away. The victim's planet is placed in the house of enemies, so they are born into a role that makes them automatically antagonistic to the child and destined for poverty and isolation.

Rahu is about aggregation, ego, selfish acquisition of things, and an erroneous belief in their omniscience/omnipotence. Both the nodes eclipse any planet they are conjunct with (western astrology), or share a house with (Vedic astrology), in the chart. With Rahu/north node the real father is both powerful and hidden both in the chart and in real life, Unless an astrologer viewing a child's chart (rare in this day and age) is keen to subtle relationships, the victim will be viewed as the sun and real father in their fake child's chart. Nobody but the most aware, detective astrologers would ever notice that the child has two fathers in the chart.

In contrast to Rahu, Ketu is associated with poverty, spirituality, and feelings. So with Ketu/south node, the victim is weak and hidden in the chart and in real life. The child feels undue, damaging pressure from the fake father, manifest as feelings of inadequacy, deflated confidence, or even perception of being abused by the fake father/victim. This is by design as it gives leverage to the mother to build a case that allows for the child to be separated from the victim/fake father due to his damaging influence on the child the world perceives as his own.

Ketu is represented by Sage Durvasa. He acts on feelings, is poor, and wanders, perfect behavior to saddle a victim with when you want to destroy them. Plus, his behavior fits your grift, as he's short-tempered. Seems your ancestors learned that by timing your child's birth such that the planet associated with their fake parent is in the sixth house and conjunct/same house as Ketu, they not only become enemies to the child, they become short-tempered enemies. Best, nobody notices they're not the parent, so in any chart analysis, they're associated with the sun. Once born, the mother trains them to become professional victims to the abuse of their fake parent.

The end result is years of projecting various incantations/variations of "his father abuses his child" into anybody's ear who will listen as a case is made for the father's obvious mental illness, infirmity, and disconnect from real life. The end arrives when the victim is pushed into some form of psychiatric situation, where he's murdered by overdose. As the victim came to be viewed as a horrible person to the world, due to his fake child turning him into an enemy, the child's real father being the victims real, but hidden enemy, nobody thinks twice about their demise and death.

What's left is for the child to acquire, legally, possession of all the fake father's assets. This is the result of a fake marriage and a fake child, both timed to ensure the demise of the victim and for the sole purpose of destroying their branch in the tree of life, theft of assets, and more. Possibly even destroying the parent's name by shame due to their being made poor and abused by criminals framing them for crimes they didn't or wouldn't ever commit. But who's going to believe the desperate and destitute when everybody and their mother is saying they need help and have been acting violent and crazy?

The second branch of your cult is the father's line.

The men in your cult seek to populate the world with his seed. They find women who have physical beauty, or strength, or talent, or a family lineage in line with the cult, like your bloodline is royal due to the Trump/Stalin lineage. Then they have them enter into a secret and binding agreement, a non-disclosure agreement, that assures the woman will be loyal to the proposition, maintaining her silence for life about the relationship established by the man of your cult and herself. She will sire children that will be birthed at times according to the cult's demands. Her children will be raised by the cult from birth. They will be indoctrinated in the ways of the cult, which is that outsiders are essentially victims or slaves eligible to be targeted and hunted.  Boys will be given tools to become leaders. Another cult member may have acquired inventions that a new member may be given in order to become wealthy and a prominent member of society. The elevation of members gives them cache and public appeal, giving them opportunity to find and enter into binding agreements with individuals who share qualities the cult is looking to propagate in future generations.

Your cult has the goal of creating and managing leaders, who continue populating the world with your line.  It's conceivable that the logical extreme will be a world populated with your breed, a supposed superior brand of person or master race. The most desired target of your cult is people with a strong bond to the Bible as you see the Bible as a hateful book that creates a "chosen people" that isn't yours. You seek to prove there is no God and your people are the chosen race.

The reality is, you're cult is full of deranged people who imagine they have some superior attributes that essentially make y'all gods over the rest of us mere mortal schlubs.  The stone cold truth, the reality is, you, your father Donald J. Trump, and Brody's father, Barrack Obama, are all stone cold criminals.

That this is all spelled out in the Bible just makes it all that much better. Genesis 3 shows you taking orders from the serpent, which means your father, and Barrack, and the actual serpent of the chart, and the serpent of the belly, which you seem to elevate to something cool. That's all Rahu energy for you, to ensure your child and cult gain, while the man loses and, Biblically, eats of what you've given him: Ketu - poverty, slander, death. You don't recite the biblical prohibition about eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil correctly because, like Cain, you don't believe in God. At all.  There's so much detail this story connects to, especially Gen 3 (above) and Gen 4, where Cain kills Abel, who is married to a member of Cain's cult, evidenced by Lamech's giving Abel's inventions to his children, descendants of Cain, of two mothers, a show mother and a hidden mother. You're the Nephilim and the reason for the flood, which is about to really happen because while you've been out breeding like show ponies, you've ignored the health of the gardens and flocks of our planet while literally raping everything and everybody. Nice job, asshole(s).

What I've described with respect to chart configuration is a bare minimum construct. I haven't analyzed beyond the real father in the 12th, fake in the 6th, and the chart being configured to ensure the main houses, 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, of self, home, partnerships, and career are damaged with regards to the enemy - the fake father, in the sixth house and to ensure they ultimately end up getting sucked into the 12th house: prison or psychiatric ward, to meet their death at the hands of a paid murderer, but especially due to the victim's ignominy.

But this highlights how your cult, Babylon, operates and has operated for some thousands of years. It's really well-detailed in the Books of Daniel and Esther, too, though Saul/Rome/Babylon hunting David/Israel to the death, and Esau/Jacob also highlight the relations. All you need is the birth-time of everybody in your society, and you can chart their course through your little soap opera and to your benefit, from cradle to the grave and without anybody knowing their life is being managed by you and your sociopaths as you ensure nobody even studies astrology, because it's stupid superstition. Some scam you got going. I hope this letter punches a hole in your metaphorical ocean liner that causes it to sink. The world won't survive you. I told you that you were bad at math and here you are bad at prioritizing, too. You brought Brody into the world to be your tool and have all but guaranteed he won't even have a life because of your utter ignorance.

Turn yourself in.