Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Babylon the Pit: Part 1

Babylon is the kingdom over earth. It worships all the religions that turn man into an agent of King Nebuchadnezzar or the Queen of Babylon.

First: the King

The king allows leaders, lawmakers, finance managers, law enforcers to lie, cheat, steal, murder for the benefit of themselves and the kingdom. Their empire is gangland.

The king has his family mafia all too willing to do the bidding of their king. Even if it means defaming, fleecing, or chopping a person to pieces. Anything.

The king elevates himself to the status of god on earth. He is untouchable and all powerful. More omniscient, omnipresent, than anybody.

How does he use his power? He kills religions. They destroy societies and countries, scoffing at the weak god who let his people suffer and die. He is Cain, killing Abel.

He utterly psychologically devastates, by killing families before the eyes of the children. He gouges the eyes out of a handful of survivors after making them witness the ritual slaughter of their children and family.

He chops fathers to pieces and throws their body where the animals will eat the parts. He turns Temples into latrines, while laughing at the god who is unable to defend his people or himself. Then he plunders the gold, takes it and pays homage to his god of might with the spoils.

He kidnaps as slaves the best and brightest youth, indoctrinates and educates them. Sure, he allows them to eat a different way, but only for a short time. Babylon offers freedom, but only a little. If it works? Best be certain the king will take the credit, though he won't endorse it. He's the king of earth and he eats what he wants. All his subjects do.

Without question.

The king uses subterfuge and lies to get the elder youth to divulge secrets, show they can think on their feet or even communicate with "the gods". Babylon collects all the gods and welcomes them, so long as lying, stealing, and murder are allowed.

The king uses spies to learn of and steal secrets of their charges: inventions, and designs he can take, take credit for, and use like the god on earth he is. Inventors who speak out, disappear by law enforcement.

The less anyone conforms, the more they're harassed. If they utterly refuse to conform, by eating a diet other than the kings and lie, cheat, steal, murder for the kingdom, they're eventually set upon by the kingdom. And killed. They can't buy. They're labelled crazy. Harassed. Falsely accused. They're the enemy within the walls where might makes right and everybody has their assigned duties.


he stress upon a person who refuses to embrace the values of the king is like a fire. When the King has a ceremony demanding everybody sit up straight for him, or fall on the ground and worship him, their fate is sealed by their own hand. The king throws them in the furnace, heated seven times hotter because an example is made of traitors, as he says, "You're fired."

That's just the start of the story.